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Tribes 3: Rivals/Voice Game System: Difference between revisions

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Line 40: Line 40:
| '''VGTG'''|| Taunt || I am the greatest! || "I am the greatest!"
| '''VGTG'''|| Taunt || I am the greatest! || "I am the greatest!"
| '''VGTT'''|| Taunt || THAT was graceful! || "TGAT was graceful!"
| '''VGTT'''|| Taunt || THAT was graceful! || "THAT was graceful!"
| '''VGTW'''|| Taunt || When will you learn? || "When will you learn?"
| '''VGTW'''|| Taunt || When will you learn? || "When will you learn?"

Revision as of 19:18, 29 February 2024


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The Voice Game System (VGS) is the communication tool in development in Tribes 3: Rivals. As in past games, VGS is to coordinate attack, defenses, as well as jeer at the opponent. Using a series of simple keystrokes or directional inputs, a wide variety of information may be passed between players.

Two options for VGS are currently available: the Legacy VGS system based on prior games, and Standard system which uses a pop-up with four directional buttons.

To use the VGS system, first type V to open the menu, and then press F, G, C, or S to launch into further submenus. Below are the keystrokes for all the commands available.

Legacy VGS Commands


Shortcut Subcategory Command Voice Line/ Chat Message
VGCA Compliment Awesome "Awesome"
VGCG Compliment Good game "Good game"
VGCN Compliment Nice move "Nice move"
VGCS Compliment Great shot "Great shot"
VGCY Compliment You rock "You rock"
VGRA Respond Any time "Any time"
VGRD Respond Don't know "I don't know"
VGRT Respond Thanks "Thanks"
VGRW Respond Wait "Wait"
VGTA Taunt Awww... "Awww, that's too bad!"
VGTB Taunt Best you can do? "Is that the best you can do?"
VGTG Taunt I am the greatest! "I am the greatest!"
VGTT Taunt THAT was graceful! "THAT was graceful!"
VGTW Taunt When will you learn? "When will you learn?"
VGY Yes "Yes"
VGN No "No"
VGH Hi "Hi"
VGB Bye "Bye"
VGO Oops "Oops"
VGQ Quiet "Quiet"
VGS Shazbot "Shazbot!"
VGW Woohoo "Woohoo"


Shortcut Command Voice Line/ Chat Message
VAA Attack "Attack"
VAB Base "Attack the enemy base!"
VAC Chase "Chase the enemy flag carrier!"
VAD Disrupt "Disrupt the enemy defense!"
VAF Flag "Get the enemy flag!"
VAG Generator "Destroy the enemy generator!"
VAR Reinforce "Reinforce the offense."
VAS Sensors "Destroy the enemy sensors!"
VAT Turrets "Destroy enemy turrets!"
VAW Wait "Wait for my signal before attack."


Shortcut Command Voice Line/ Chat Message
VDB Base "Defend our base!"
VDC Flag carrier "Defend the flag carrier!"
VDE Entrances "Defend the entrances!"
VDF Flag "Defend our flag!"
VDG Generator "Defend our generator!"
VDM Me "Cover me!"
VDR Reinforce "Reinforce our defense!"
VDS Sensors "Defend our sensors!"
VDT Turrets "Defend our turrets!"


Shortcut Command Voice Line/ Chat Message
VRG Generator "Repair our generator!"
VRS Sensors "Repair our sensors!"
VRT Turret "Repair our turrets!"


Shortcut Command Voice Line/ Chat Message
VBC Clear "Our base is clear."
VBE Enemy in base "The enemy is in our base!"
VBR Retake "Retake our base!"
VBS Secure "Secure our base!"


Shortcut Command Voice Line/ Chat Message
VCA Acknowledged "Acknowledged"
VCC Completed "Completed"
VCD Declined "Declined"
VCW Assignment? "What's my assignment?"


Shortcut Command Voice Line/ Chat Message
VED Disarray "The enemy is in disarray."
VEG Generator destroyed "The enemy generator is destroyed."
VES Sensors destroyed "The enemy sensors are destroyed."
VET Turrets destroyed "The enemy turrets are destroyed."


Shortcut Command Voice Line Chat Message
VFD Defend "Defend our flag!"
VFF I have the flag "I have the flag!"
VFG Give me "Give me the flag!"
VFQ Retrieving "I'll retrieve our flag!"
VFR Retrieve "Retrieve our flag!"
VFS Secure "Our flag is secure!"
VFT Take "Take the flag from me!"


Shortcut Command Voice Line/ Chat Message
VNC Covering fire "Need covering fire."
VNE Escort "The enemy is in our base!"
VNS Support "I need support!"
VNW Where to? "Where to?"


Shortcut Command Subcategory Voice Line Chat Message
VSAA Attack Attack "I will attack."
VSAB Attack Base "I will attack the enemy base."
VSAF Attack Flag "I'll go for the enemy flag."
VSAG Attack Generator "I'll attack the enemy generator."
VSAS Attack Sensors "I'll attack the enemy sensors."
VSAT Attack Turret "I'll attack the enemy turrets."
VSDB Defend Base "I will defend our base."
VSDD Defend Defend "I will defend."
VSDF Defend Flag "I will defend our flag."
VSDG Defend Generator "I'll defend our generator."
VSDS Defend Sensors "I'll defend our sensors."
VSDT Defend Turret "I'll defend our turrets."
VSRG Repair Generator "I'll repair our generator."
VSRS Repair Sensors "I'll repair our sensors."
VSRT Repair Turret "I'll repair our turrets."
VSTC Task Cover "I'll cover you."
VSTD Task Set up defenses "I'll set up defenses."
VSTO Task On it "I'm on it."


Shortcut Command Voice Line/Chat Message
VTA Acquired "Target acquired."
VTB Base "Target the enemy base! I'm in position."
VTD Destroyed "Target destroyed."
VTF Flag "Target the enemy flag! I'm in position."
VTM Fire on my target "Fire on my target"
VTN Need "I need a target painted!"
VTS Sensors "Target the sensors! I'm in position."
VTT Turret "Target the turret! I'm in position"
VTW Wait "Wait! I'll be in range soon."


Shortcut Command Voice Line/ Chat Message
VWE Enemies "Incoming Hostiles!"

Very Quick

Shortcut Command Voice Line/ Chat Message
VVY Yes "Yes"
VVN No "No"
VVA Anytime "Anytime"
VVB Base secure? "Is our base secure?"
VVC Cease fire "Cease fire"
VVD Don't know "I don't know."
VVH Help! "Help!"
VVM Move "Move"
VVS Sorry "Sorry"
VVT Thanks "Thanks"
VVW Wait "Wait"

Standard VGS Commands


Shortcut Command Voice Line
VGS Shazbot! "Shazbot!"
VGF Woohoo! "Woohoo!"
VGG You rock! "You rock!"
VGC Great Shot! "Great Shot!"


Shortcut Command Voice Line
VSC Is that the best you can do? "Is that the BEST you can do?"
VSS THAT was graceful! "THAT was graceful!"
VSG Aww, too bad! "Aww, that's too bad!"
VSF When will you learn? "When will you learn?"


Shortcut Command Voice Line Chat Message
VFCC Attack now! "Attack!" Attack now!
VFCF Attack down the middle! Attack now!
VFCS Attack from the left! Attack now!
VFCG Attack from the right! Attack now!
VFSC Assault the enemy base! "Attack the enemy base!" Assault the enemy base!
VFSF Assault the enemy base from the middle! Assault the enemy base!
VFSS Assault the enemy base from the left! Assault the enemy base!
VFSG Assault the enemy base from the right! Assault the enemy base!
VFGC Chase the flag! "Chase the enemy flag carrier!" Chase the flag!
VFGF Chase the flag down the middle! Chase the flag!
VFGS Chase the flag from the left! Chase the flag!
VFGG Chase the flag from the right! Chase the flag!
VFFC Grab the enemy flag! "Get the enemy flag!" Grab the enemy flag!
VFFF Grab the enemy flag from the middle! Grab the enemy flag!
VFFS Grab the enemy flag from the left! Grab the enemy flag!
VFFG Grab the enemy flag from the right! Grab the enemy flag!


Shortcut Command Voice Line Chat Message
VCSC Defend! "Cover me!" Defend!
VCSF Defend the middle! Defend!
VCSS Defend from the left! Defend!
VCSG Defend from the right! Defend!
VCGC Defend the base! "Defend our base!" Defend the base!
VCGF Defend the base from the middle! Defend the base!
VCGS Defend the base from the left! Defend the base!
VCGG Defend the base from the right! Defend the base!
VCCC Protect the flag carrier! "Defend the flag carrier!!" Protect the flag carrier!
VCCF Protect the flag carrier from the middle! Protect the flag carrier!
VCCS Protect the flag carrier from the left! Protect the flag carrier!
VCCG Protect the flag carrier from the right! Protect the flag carrier!
VCFC Defend our flag! "Defend our flag!" Defend our flag!
VCFF Defend our flag from the middle! Defend our flag!
VCFS Defend our flag from the left! Defend our flag!
VCFG Defend our flag from the right! Defend our flag!

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