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Tribes 2 Functions

Below is a collection of nearly all elements that makeup Tribes 2 as well as some scripts used by experienced players. Features are a lengthy thing to catalog so simple commands such as ‘ski’, ‘jet’, 'disc-mine', & 'disc-jump' have been removed for length’s sake, and details can be found elsewhere.

I. Command Circuit – A map that can be pulled up in full screen to spot hostiles, allies, sensors, and vehicles that have been sensed by base sensors or deployable sensors, or are currently within view of allies. Functions described below.

1.      Create your own nav-point markers on the map that will be viewable both within the command circuit and while roaming the map.

2.      Place a nav-point on teammates you plan to coordinate an attack with.(BuddyPoints Script). This nav point will make certain allies’ icons appear different.

3.      View where each of your team's bases/assets are located in relationship to yourself.

4.      View all of your teammates, and enemies within sight of teammates or sensor network.

5.      Click on 1 enemy of your choice in your sensor network. A nav-point will target that enemy whenever they are in your sensor network.

6.      Observe the reach of each type of sensor you have active. This helps determine gaps in your sensor network.

7.      Ability to turn on and off indicators for teammates, vehicles, certain types of assets to prevent clutter on the command circuit.

8.      Observe your teammates  with a small 2nd-person view camera (helps determine what armor type a particular ally is using).

9.      A list of visable assets and teammates, and their health is viewable in a list at the side of the map.

10.  Take control of a permanent or deployed turret.

11.  Observe the view of a deployable camera. Possible pairing with satchel charge for remote detonation.

12.  Vocalize a task for your team to assist a particular target on the map (e.g.: defend, destroy, repair, Escort, bomb, target)

13.  Ability to Zoom in/out on areas of the map.

14.  Return to center of mission area button.

II. Task List - Poor success in T2 due to bulky menu screen & little benefit to use. Would need a re-vamp for use in future Tribes games.

1.      Displays recent requested tasks through the command circuit and VGS menu.

2.      Allows you to accept a task to complete a certain action requested of the team by other teammates.

III. Toss Items - Rid yourself of items to make room for others, or pass items. May only pick up weapons usable with your type of class (for example, a juggernaut class may not use a laser rifle)

1.      Trading weapons/packs for those from enemy corpses

2.      Tossing health kits to teammates.

3.      Passing the flag to a teammate.

IV. Max Toss Items – Under normal circumstances a player would need to hold down a button to toss a grenade, flag, or deploy a mine a certain distance. This option allows players to rebind their keys so they automatically toss something the maximum possible distance (removing the need to “charge up” the toss.

V. Observer Functions

1.      Observe other players while you are not on a team. (the player is notified that they are being observed)

2.      Multiple speeds for free flying "fly-by" mode.

3.      Button mapping to switch between each team's flag when not in fly-by mode. (Useful for tournament play video streaming/”shoutcasting” to return to previously viewed targets and certain assets).

4.      Observe 2-5 predetermined camera locations unique to each map at the push of a button. Each are centered around flags, bases, or gameplay epicenters.

VI. Targeting Laser - Entertaining green laser pointer. Used both for practical purposes and for entertainment.

1.      Determine Distance to target

2.      Create nav-point in the sky for teammates to use 'arc'ing weaponry to easily fire on exact targets from a long distance

3.      Use in combination with emotes to distract enemies. (dance, wave, etc.)

4.      Later, some scripts allowed targeting for one's self. Point laser rifle to determine exact distance, then use the tick mark in conjunction with the "Arc Distance Reticle" (XLIII) to fire ‘arc’-based explosive weaponry (grenade launcher/mortar) at a specific far away target.

VII. Interpolate - Used primarily for easier tracking with chaingun and other (machine-gun like weaponry) to compensate and allow more consistent targeting. A client-side function that allows players to emphasize actual coded player location over the default 'smoothed version'. (script)

VIII. Field of View - Image scaling used for wide-screen monitors. (FOV script)

IX. Free Look - Ability to control the camera's direction around your player or vehicle without changing your trajectory.

1. To be used in conjunction with Exterior view.

X. Exterior View - See your character in the 3rd person. View your character from 5 feet behind him/her.

1. Helps remember what pack you are carrying 2. Helps you realize if you have the flag. 3. For use in conjunction with Free Look to determine who/what is chasing or firing at you without changing trajectory.

XI. Beacons - Mark a location with a destructible nav-point. Can be toggled during initial placement as a location to defend or attack.

1. Creates a nav-point in the sky for easy targeting with 'arc' weaponry, similar to the laser pointer. 2. Many servers auto-deploy defense-type beacons on remote inventory stations to help mark where your teammates hid them. 3. Change the color of each type of beacon for preferential use. (script) Placed directly next to force-fields on floor to prevent allies or hostiles from walking. Not destroyable by anyone on opposite side of forcefield or currently walking through a forcefield.

XII. Deployable Cameras - For first-person viewing and turret assist from a remote location.

1.      Take control of the camera's convex lens to remotely view a location (using command circuit)

2.      Changes nearby turret's mode from Passive to Active (‘active’ meaning turrets will fire much more immediately & intelligently when an enemy approaches)

3.      Can be used to target with Missile Launcher. (because it is destructible it is easiest to hide indoors, but fire missiles from outdoors, creating a consistent target without destroying the camera.

4.      Reveals enemies using sensor jammer pack.

5.      Placed directly next to force-fields on floor to prevent allies or hostiles from walking. Not destroyable by anyone on opposite side of forcefield or currently walking through a forcefield.

XIV. Vehicle Assist Commands - keeping squads together and preventing teammates from stealing key vehicles.

1. If a player plans to return to their vehicle they can "Lock" it, preventing teammates from entering the vehicle. 2. A pilot of a vehicle can eject certain passengers who refuse to exit the vehicle.

XV. Callback Command - Allows players to automatically get their team's attention when they grab the flag. 1 or 2 callbacks after x number of seconds (0-15 Seconds). Informs of current status. A triggered set of VGS commands speaking to the team upon manual or automatic trigger.(Script)

1.      Yell "Help!" or "Cover Me!" both audibly (globally) and written in chat. 2. Displays chat message informing teammates of the capper’s total health, if they have a health kit, their current speed, and how many flare grenades they have remaining.

2.       Briefly creates nav-point on person calling for help (3 seconds)

3.      Allows teammates to accept the task of defending them, thus creating a semi-permanent nav-point on that player

XVI. Chat mute - Prevents particular types of messages from displaying in the chat bar. Removes clutter, and easier access to read typed messages, etc. (script)

XVII. Player Mute - Mute microphone/chat/voice-binds or all communication from a particular player through the duration the player stays on the server.

XVIII. Pilot Mode - Ability for pilots to more easily establish targets for bombing/mid-air non-direct-fire attacks. (script)

1.      Shows the bombardier's view/bomber's current attack location.

2.       Allows a pilot to independently modify their look sensitivity for 3rd person, separately from 1st person view (unique to each vehicle).

XIX. Zoom Assist - Creates different zoom level preferences for different weapons.(script)

XX. Flag Timer - Countdown until either team's flag auto-returns. (Script)

XXI. Flag Indicator - Informs if flags of either team have been taken, and which player has the flag.

XXII. Heads Up Display Management - Allows players to move screen indicators such as health, energy, heat signature, ammo, weapons list, etc.

1. Re-size Chat HUD [heads-up display] 2. Move HUD’s (script)

XXIII. Mute Observers - Prevents your HUD from telling you when you are being observed by others. (Mentally prevents players from locking up in a tournament when they feel they are under more pressure by being watched.) (script)

XXIV. RoboRoute - Allows a player to record a flag capping route and have a bot run the route.

1. Allows a player better determine the viability of theroute and determine weaknesses. Can be used to compare route speeds/trajectories. 2. Also good for practicing turret placement and body blocking. (script)

XXV. Loadout Select - Program a button to change your current inventory loadout without having to enter a loadout menu to a current favorite. Includes ability to set preferences for certain loadouts and save them for every time you load the game. (Unlike Tribes 1, T2 does now allow players to save loadouts as files andtransfer them to friends or other computers.

XXVI. Weapon/Item Select - Ability to map a button to any item, pack, weapon. Modifies your currently selected loadout by changing 1 item at a time, without needing to view the inventory loadout menu.

XXVII. Weapon Slot Select - Rather than choosing "Next weapon", "Previous Weapon" or cycling through your weapon loadout; map a key to a particular weapon location in your inventory (for example: you can switch to your 3rd weapon out of 5 without scrolling through any weapons in-between).

XXVIII. Fine tune targeting - map keyboard keys to make minor adjustments to your aim. Useful when zoomed in on a beacon's nav-point in the sky, while firing ‘arc’-based weaponry.

XXIX. Reticle Remover - Ability to turn off/edit/shrink any weapon's reticle. (script)

XXX. Voicebind Editor - Ability to change the text that appears when a certain voicebind is used. (default & script)

XXXI. Auto-toss Items - Automatically tosses a weapon or item upon spawning (if you never plan to use a certain item that players spawn with by default)

XXXII. Compass - Directional Indicator

XXXIII. Missile Lock Indicator - Indicates whether there is a missile currently tracking you.

XXXIV. Suicide – Instant death key-bind used on many capture the flag servers to re-spawn/return to home base. It helps you get back to base quickly to prevent impending attack or chase anyone who stole your flag.

XXXV. Private Message - Send a message to a single individual on either team.

XXXVI. TaskLOS - Automatically waypoints all players (friend and foe) and/or all assets in your field of vision. (script)

XXXVII. Auto-kit - Automatically uses health kit upon taking damage. Alternate scripts allow for automatic use of repair pack while not firing. (script)

XXXIX. Map Editing Tools - Very extensive map editing tools. Too in-depth to discuss here.

XL. Hidden Weapons - Hides weapons so they do not take up the corner of a player's screen. (script)

XLI.’ Spam Point’ Scripts - Places a nav-point on a location to stand and in the sky so a player can target enemy assets or crucial points. (is very map specific and must be set up manually) (Scripts like qFireMissions) (many players disapprove of this script)

XLII. Kill Confirm - Plays a sound confirming that you killed an enemy you were attacking enemy. (script)

XLIII. Look Sensitivity - Rate for which a person changes the direction they are looking based on the tracking speed of their mouse.

1.      Ability to modify look sensitivity while in certain vehicles.(Pilot Mode script)

2.      Ability to modify look sensitivity while using certain weapons. (script)

3.      Ability to modify look sensitivity based on zoom level. (script)

4.      Ability to modify look sensitivity on-the-fly

XLIV. Arc Distance Reticle - A reticle that uses 'bar' marks for arc weaponry. Allowing a player to more easily judge distance when firing on a position x meters away (if the position is at a similar altitude). The reticle marks meter distances of 100-400m in increments of 50m (script).

XLV. Vehicle Transport Pad- This in-game asset, usable only on certain servers, allowed for transport to the mobile point. This was an asset located at your team’s vehicle pad (at ground base). Useful in Capture the Flag or Capture and Hold gamemodes.

XLVI. Demo Recording Tools - Although The recording function was very limited in T2, fans were pleased that this was included none-the-less. It was widely used for tournament play and reviewing matches.


1. In T2, hand grenades have different fuse lengths and take longer to detonate depending on which type of grenade you are using (ex. standard, concussion, whiteout, etc)

2. In T2, the time it takes to change from weapon to weapon varies according to the reload time of the weapon being used. But if you fire a weapon and toss it, then you do not need to wait for the full reload time. (exploit?)

3. No lock-vehicle altitude function was ever incorporated into T2, and neither was a gimbal lock. In maps with a high altitude ceiling it was possible to do a complete flip in your Shrike plane