Tribes: Ascend/Patches/v1.0.1267

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Revision as of 18:06, 17 February 2024 by Bigwig (talk | contribs)
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Tribes Ascend Version 1.0.1267

Major Highlights

  • New Synthrall skin for the Soldier class.
  • Two new voice packs:
  • TotalBiscuit
  • Stowaway
  • Settings for custom servers are persisted across logins.

Weapon/Balance Items

  • Fixed an issue where the Shocklance would affect energy usage of packs.
  • When players upgrade a base turret, the turret will now properly upgrade it’s rate of fire.
  • Fixed an issue where fractal grenades could timeout before they finished fractalling, resulting in a non-damaging explosion.

Additional Items