Bot Companion is a primary Perk in Deadzone: Rogue. Its secondary perks are Elemental Bot, Powerful Bot, Prepared Bot, and Rapid Fire Bot.
Perk Tree
Bot Companion
Bot Companion creates a Flying Pet that slowly follows the player. It deals low damage, but will respawn 7 seconds after being destroyed.
Elemental Bot
Elemental Bot grants the player an additional Flying Pet. Additionally, Flying Pets deal Elemental damage based on the player's Elemental Perks[verification needed], and benefits from damage bonuses for that Element.
Powerful Bot
Powerful Bot grants the player an additional Flying Pet and grants Flying Pets a 20% damage bonus.
Prepared Bot
Prepared Bot grants the player an additional Flying Pet. Additionally, Flying Pets respawn 50% faster after being destroyed.
Rapid Fire Bot
Rapid Fire Bot grants the player an additional Flying Pet. Additionally, Flying Pets shoot 20% faster.
- Bot Companion is a dubious perk on higher difficulties. It does very little damage. Furthermore, each shot has a chance of enraging any Mindless hit by it. The Flying Pets also stay too close to the player to reliably draw fire away.
- All secondary perks need further testing.