Starsiege: Tribes/Patches/1.2: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 18:07, 17 February 2024

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Version 1.2

Client Changes

  • Sending in-game private messages from the IRC no longer repeats the first message sent.
  • No longer have to scroll to the top of the Join Screen to select a sort column.
  • In the join server list, you must now double click on a server to re-ping it.
  • The Join Server screen now has a "buddy" search field. Servers that contain players who's names match the contents of the field will have a double eye icon in the favorites column. The buddy drop-down keeps the last 10 search strings. Selecting a string out of the drop down brings the selection to the top of the list.
  • Join Server now has "refresh all" and "refresh vis" buttons, refresh all refresh the server list from the master server. Refresh vis will only query the servers currently listed in the server list.
  • Pinging a server in the Join Server list by selecting it no longer re-sorts or re-filters the list.
  • The voice menu will now appear above or below the chat box depending on whether the box is near the top or bottom of the screen.
  • The voice menu is now green.
  • The IRC URL launching no longer changes the URL to upper case when starting the browser.
  • An "Out of Memory" dialog box will appear and TRIBES will exit more gracefully should this error occur.
  • Issues with the Net Lag icon not appearing while lagging have been corrected.
  • Actions bound to Ctrl, Shift or Alt no longer conflict with normal keys.
  • A client side resource purge bug was fixed. Resources were not always purged correctly between missions which would cause them to accumulate unnecessarily.
  • In the commander map, you can now select players from the player list as the target of a command.
  • Weapon cycling should now work correctly.
  • Flier interpolation has been improved.
  • Fliers no longer appear to be skipping over the ground on the clients, while in actuality, on the server and to the pilot, they are cruising normally.
  • Support for multiple redundant master servers.
  • Master address DNS lookups are now run on a background thread. They no longer timeout after 5 seconds and don't block the main thread. Some clients would fail to resolve the master address because of the short timeout.
  • The initial "connection to the internet" warning has been removed as it was mainly added because of the long pause the clients would experience while trying to resolve DNS addresses if not connected. The pause issues was resolved.
  • Some USB devices were causing problems with our DirectInput initialization, which could cause the game to crash at startup. These issues have been cleared up.
  • Some fixes to our Aureal3D support. Fixes problems with weird sounding 3D effects when using an Aureal3D card. Aureal3D is now selectable from the Options/Sound page if you have an Aureal3D card.
  • Command line options were added:
  • +record
  • +password password
  • -host missionname
  • +maxplayers playerCount
  • Bringing up the score/server menu or switching to commander view no longer stops your player from moving.
  • When looking directly at friendly equipment, you now get the description, map icon and health of that equipment displayed on the hud, similar to info on players. This does not occur for enemy equipment.
  • IPX protocol now enabled by default.
  • A new control page was added to help bind keys to new functions:
  • + Shortcut keys to buy your favorites.
  • + You can now bind vote yes and vote no.
  • + Escort will set an "escort" waypoint to the last player who sent you a chat message.
  • PostAction now correctly deals with 0 action values (no longer have to post -0).
  • Fixed problems with cursor which occured when launching the game with +connect now
  • You can now filter based on whether the server is dedicated or is marked as a favorite.
  • Objects are no longer black when sitting on buildings in non-mission lit missions. They default to normal sun lighting.
  • Objective messages (flag taken, etc.) now show up in red.

Modified Missions

Map Markers were added to all missions that currently did not have them (except for DM missions.) The following missions were modified either to correct minor problems or improve their play balance:

  • Broadside - Moved random spawn points away from the flag and the lower base entrance. Added spawn points outside the base and on the hill between the bases to make it harder to defend. Should also make it easier to get out with the flag once you are inside the enemy base.
  • DangerousCrossing - Moved base buildings into team group to allow the team textures to show up on each base. Also repositioned radar dishes for better coverage. Expanded mission area to allow more room behind each base.
  • SeekAndDestroy - Repositioned Elf turrets on back balcony as well as removing the indoor turret on the back balcony (was impossible to get in that way.) Changed scoring to allow a win without having to have control of any of the towers. Also moved the tower switches out of the way to allow easier jetting up into the towers. Added Map markers as well as consistent static item names.
  • AntHill - Fixed spawn points where player heads would be inside the angled walls. Fixed the elevators to allow longer trigger times. Also repositioned a turret inside the diamondsword base (was floating in the air.)
  • Citadels - Reduced vis distance and increased haze distance to reduce lag. You can no longer see the team bases from the middle tower.
  • BloodRunsCold - Plugged hole in terrain next to base with a rock.
  • CrissCross - Moved tower shapes into correct tower groups (fixing texturing problems with center tower association.) Re-named static shapes to correctly reflect the tower name that they belonged to.
  • DeathKnell - Increased flag score to 2 points per flag, total points needed to win to 8 points (the tower is still worth 1 point.)

Server Balance Changes

  • Team mates can now always destroy deployable equipment, even when team damage is off.
  • If team damage is off, ramming team mates with a vehicle no longer applies damage. Team mates will still take damage from exploding friendly vehicles.
  • A player now receives 5 points for destroying an objective in Defend and Destroy missions.
  • Descrepencies between the male and female armors were corrected.
  • Light female can now carry 30 plasma charges
  • Medium female can now carry 40 plasma charges
  • Light female now takes the same amount of blaster damage
  • You can no longer turn the energy pack on/off. Energy pack is always on.
  • Blaster range reduced from 2000m to 400m, half-life down from 1900 TO 225m.
  • Blaster now does half damage against shields.
  • The spread on the chaingun is reduced by half.
  • Plasma damage was reduced by about half for medium and heavy armor.
  • ELF damage was increased from 0.04 per/sec to 0.06, ELF turrets remain at 0.06.
  • The remote deployed turret vertical interference range was reduced from 50m to 10m.
  • You now get points for kills made by turrets you deploy.
  • A timer was added to the all inventory and ammo stations so that a player can no longer stand at one and constantly be re-supplied and healed.
  • Inventory and ammo stations now automatically supply players with healing kits and grenades.
  • Ammo stations now heal players re-supply them with healing kits, and grenades.

Server Misc. Changes

  • Vote tabulation changes. Abstentions are now counted as no votes until the quorum is reach. All other abstentions are ignored. Example: In a game of 20 players, the quorum is 10 players (%50). If 6 players vote yes and all else abstain, then 4 abstentions will be counted as no votes. The vote is 6 to 4. The default margin is %55, so the vote passes.
  • If a vote to kick a player fails to pass, the vote is re-tabulated counting only members of that player's team. The count is all yes votes against the total number of players on that team. The default margin for all votes is %55, so on a 10 player team, it would take 6 players to kick another team mate.
  • Kicking now bans a player for 5 minutes (was 1 minute)
  • Default vote margin reduced from %70 to %55.
  • Team damage now defaults to off in FFA mode, and defaults to on in Tournament mode.
  • Options were added to the admin menu to select the duration of the mission and to reset the server to it's initial settings.
  • An option was added to the Admin menu to Ban a player. This kicks the player and bans him for 20 minutes.
  • Bans and kicks now echo the IP addresses to the console.
  • When a server's player count drops to 0, the server is reset to it's initial settings.
  • New missionList.cs file was added to supply functions to manipulate the servers' mission list.
  • Being in control of a Commander Station during mission change no longer gives you free turret access in the subsequent missions.
  • Mod support changes: Modname.vol files are now loaded automatically, and Modname.cs files are now automatically executed.
  • Dedicated servers and clients now echo a message to the console when startup initialization is done.
  • Transport Addresses now default to IP, so IP addresses no longer need the IP: prefix.
  • Control panels no longer reappear after being destroyed.
  • Telnet ports are now properly closed on loss of connection.
  • The server now includes client message flood protection. This keeps player from sending too many messages in a row. Playes who flood messages are muted for 10 sec.
  • Triggers are now correctly activated by vehicles.
  • Bug fixed in isSelectableWeapon (thanks Savage).
  • Elevator trigger time was increased from 0.5 to 2.0 secs.
  • Servers now respond to a new "public" server info query.
  • A number of issues (bugs) with running AI's in multiplayer games have been resolved.
  • A favorite item key was added to allow mods to have different favorite sets.
  • Type zero MessageAll messages are white (as before), type one's are now red.