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When will you learn?

This article is a work of fiction set inside the Tribes universe. It does not reference real events or gameplay mechanics.
Note: Scannex is a work from and is not official canon.


2770.5823 - Emperor claims rights to all colonial resources.

August 1, 2770 will be remembered as a historic date in the history of the Empire. His Imperial Majesty presented the Fortress Earth Proclamations today before an enthusiastic crowd at the Good Fortune Pavilion in Nova Alexandria. Response from the colonies is less enthusiastic, as colonial representatives call the Proclamations "heavy-handed exploitation." More clear-eyed citizens, however, harbor no illusions about the overriding need to defend Earth, the ultimate target of the Cybrids.

2814.0523 - Cybrid brain found in accident victim skull.

Cybrids walk among us! Although officials have clamped down on further details, we do know that a hovercar accident in Mega-L.A. led to the discovery by startled medics of a cybernetic brain in one of the victims. How many more Cybrid spies are out there?

2819.7301 - "Phoenix" resigns from Imperial Knights.

Harabec Weathers, the infamous "Phoenix," resigned his commission following a closed-door session with His Imperial Majesty. Observers speculate the decision arose from Weathers' role in the disastrous Turkhazakistan defeat earlier this year. Grand Master Caanon Weathers could not be reached for comment, but sources close to the Weathers say the news has saddened the family.

2825.8376 - Straight talk from the digital resistance!

**<file break>**
***<file restored>
Reading some history? News Net jingles out a lot of happy-joy crap about how great things are here on Earth. Yay, Empire, and all that. Well, we're gonna pop some of those nice comfy bubbles, so all you citizens out there keep an eye on the O-Web. We're out there along with the truth, your friendly shadows in the snow.

2825.8710 - Emperor increases colonial quotas.

His Imperial Majesty permitted increased colonial quotas this week despite allegations that production pressures were responsible for recent fatal accidents in Venusian mining operations. Any protests on Mars and Venus will be dealt with severely.

2826.4598 - Empire makes example of Venusian insurgents.

His Imperial Majesty announced today that Strikeforce Rocking Horse has been dispatched to Venus as a peacekeeping measure. The Emperor expressed deep regret over the escalation of the Palusteri crisis, but declared that such arrogant defiance would not be tolerated.
"No one who challenges the laws of the Empire will escape punishment. All insurgency members will be executed."

2828.0170 - Martian strike resolved peacefully.

Imperial Police peacefully faced down striking miners at a Tharsis City facility on Mars yesterday. Several miners were cited and released.

2828.0174 - Imp Lice brutally crushed a peaceful strike!

"Cited and released." Who are they kidding? The Imp Lice left 'em bleeding in the street after "citing" them with stunstaves!

2828.0200 - Cybrid signals detected. Do not panic. Exercise caution.

Cybrid transmissions have been detected in near-Venus space! All ships on Venusian approach vectors are warned to exercise extreme caution!

2828.0220 - Cybrids. Riiight. How conveniently distracting...!

Ooooo. Cybrids. Citizens, don't pay any attention to the tyrant behind the curtain. Pay attention to the big scary Cybrids.

2828.0850 - The Navy is on full alert status. TDF is ready.

Seventh and Ninth Strike Fleets to hold maneuvers off Venus this week. TDF is confident in its ability to defend Imperial citizenry.

2828.1001 - TDF reassures public as it confirms location of Cybrid signals.

TDF tracking Cybrid transmissions. Citizens are urged to remain calm.

2828.1002 - Mission: Finish off a downed Imperial cargo ship.

Mission: Vulture Duty
Location: Mole Deep
Campaign: Yoke Offensive
Date: 2828.1002
Rise and shine, duster. We got ourselves a situation. Some of our boys did a half-ass job scorchin' an Imperial Police flyer that was sniffin' around where it shouldn't have been. The Lice pilot managed to set down way outta their range, and there's a good chance the pilot saw something he shouldn't have. So you got the clean-up job, you roj? Locate and destroy the flyer. One of the Garson tunnels opens near the crash site. I'll stay in touch through tactical communications. The Imps have probably scrambled salvage rigs by now, so move quick. And keep your ears open to the Imperial radio frequencies. OK, move it out!
Not bad! This operation confirms what we've been sayin' about you: You're one helluva pilot. Seems Mole Command agrees. You're transferred to Harabec's crew. Supposedly Harabec's from Earth. Heard he was in some kind of trouble there, but he's the man here on Mars. Best field commander in the show. Congrats, duster, you're runnin' with the big dogs now.
Mission failure. The Imperials control the crash site. If you are receiving this and can comply, return to the access tunnel at Nav Bravo. Repeat: This mission is a failure....

2828.1009 - Imperial cargo ship goes down on Mars.

An Imperial cargo transport went down on Mars today. Equipment malfunction was to blame, and no one was hurt. "Just another day on the job," says the Imperial Security Director for Mars, Ernesto Navarre. "Nothing for the law-abiding citizens of Mars to worry about."

2828.1010 - "Cybrids" were a rebel trick!

Recent "Cybrid transmissions" discovered to be a rebel hoax to draw off TDF interceptors from smugglers. Imperial Navy will exercise extreme skepticism in future, Admiral Vladijon says.

2828.1011 - Successful raid on terrorist base!

A terrorist base was located and eradicated today by members of the Sixth Tharsis Ranger Patrol. The terrorists were using a freejack mining station as a lair. The patrol took no prisoners.

2828.1013 - Lice murdered an innocent miner!

The Sixth Tharsis "raid" happened when the Lice took a fancy to some miner's daughter! When the miner protested, the patrol took out the poor bastard's rigs and hanged him from the wreckage alongside his two crew members! We still don't know what happened to the girl.

2828.1024 - Don't associate with subversive elements!

Due to the number of violent criminals filling our prison space, Director Navarre has authorized magistrates to impose longer sentences of chemical incarceration for non-violent convicts. All citizens are urged to avoid contact with subversives.

2828.1025 - Let's all help the nice police, hey?

"Subversive" is just a government-defined term for people with questions!

2828.1131 - Mission: Ambush and destroy an Imperial convoy.

Mission: Flashburn
Location: Syrtis Mountains
Campaign: Yoke Offensive
Date: 2828.1131
No, I think our best choice is to get the Starbright web in Sector Six on-line... Ah, duster! Welcome. I'm Harabec. You can call me Bek. Word is you're pretty hot, so I volunteered you for my strike crew. Lucky you, huh? Here's the deal: Mole Command's testing some new weapons, and the Imperial Police get to be our guinea pigs. We're gonna jump an Imp Lice convoy between Pei-Shan and Syrtis City. Strictly hit-and-run -- got it? See what this new M-FAC -- and you -- can do, and then bug out. We'll take the usual mining routes to the target, outta sight of Imperial scouts. OK, systems are green. Let's hit the tunnels!
Not bad, duster...! The M-FAC turned out pretty sweet, and it looks like you might actually deserve your rep. Imp Security Chief Navarre will blow his capillaries when he sees the reports. The rebellion needs good pilots. So do I. You just won yourself a permanent slot in my unit. Get some shuteye while you can. My crew stays pretty damn busy.
Mission failure. The operation's objectives were not completed. The field-test effectively failed.

2828.1151 - Terrorists ambush an Imperial supply convoy on Mars.

An Imperial supply convoy in the Syrtis region on Mars was ambushed by terrorist raiders. Police casualties were minimal. A rise in terrorist activity has been reported since then. Imperial Security Director Navarre denies any escalation of the conflict.

2828.1174 - "Raiders are desperate, ill-equipped.

Director Navarre reassures citizens. "The raiders are hitting our supply lines because they're desperate. They're using makeshift weaponry and hit-and-run tactics. Any reports of advanced weapons in raider hands are simply media exaggeration."

2828.1918 - Terrorist families in protective custody.

Chief Navarre has authorized Imperial Security units to take into protective custody family members of suspected terrorists. Outraged Martian citizens have threatened to lynch people with terrorist connections. Naturally, the Police want to prevent any unnecessary violence.

2828.2015 - Curfew begins tomorrow!

Director Navarre plans to deal conclusively with the current infestation of terrorists. The first step is to restore a sense of order. Starting tomorrow evening, the Imperial Security Forces will be enforcing a curfew. Any person out-of-doors after 1800 hours without proper authorization will be arrested.

2828.2038 - Imperial Police interrogation methods remain humane.

Imperial Security Director Navarre says vigorous interrogation of captured Martian rebels offers useful intelligence on rebel operations. "We make minimal use of throe-clamps and psychrape," Navarre says. "Nothing more than the situation demands."

2828.2045 - Navarre uses the worst forms of torture!

Navarre has supervised interrogation using procedures that would shock a Cybrid. Some of our people have been cut apart with plasmatorches; others have been injected with psychedelic drugs and forced to watch their families tortured to death. We can't stomach the more disturbing stories. Suffice to say "humane" is not in "the Chief's" vocabulary.

2828.2211 - Mission: Infiltrate an Imperial base and disable an Imperial cargo ship before takeoff.

Mission: Stealing Thunder
Location: Old Barsoom
Campaign: Yoke Offensive
Date: 2828.2211
Well, you're prompt, duster. I like that.
Here's the situation: Imperial Security Chief Navarre is waiting for a shipment of artillery -- to use on an ... 'infestation of rebels.' So Mole Command wants us to 'liberate' this load. The cargo shuttle lands at Old Barsoom Depot. We cripple the shuttle, secure the port, and a recovery team carts off the pickings.
Easy enough. We also get to use the new cloaking arrays. Don't you just love shaking down this new tech?
Get ready, duster. We scramble in three minutes!
Way to hang in there, duster. Mole Command's real pleased about the artillery we snatched. And the cloaks worked better than we expected. Opens up new possibilities for Mole Command. The Imp Lice won't see us comin' until way too late. Too bad for them, eh?
Mission failure. The operation failed to seize the cargo for the rebellion.

2828.2228 - We got the goods to dust the Imp Lice!

This is the Voice of Free Mars, coming to you from somewhere out in the dust! Thanks for all the gear, Navarre! Word to the wise, boys 'n ghels of the Imp Lice: We're coming for you hardcore now!

2828.3408 - Navarre calls for public crusade against spies!

Chief Navarre denies that the rebel insurgents have a broad base of popular support. "But they have infiltrated our cities. Remember, all law-abiding citizens should keep a lookout for suspicious activity. If you see anything strange, it's your duty to report it. Citizens who fail to do so will be arrested for treason."

2828.3802 - Imperial Police strike at raider hideouts.

Imperial Police met little resistance as they overwhelmed several suspected raider hideouts. Although the missions are considered successes, none of the stolen armaments were recovered. Imperial Police Security Chief Navarre promises the missing weaponry and supplies will soon be recovered.

2828.4600 - Imperial Police regroup.

Imperial Police stand their ground bravely in the face of brutal rebel attacks "It's not easy," one unnamed officer says. "It's like fighting ghosts!" Reports indicate the Imperial Police are turning the tide. The numbers of rebel prisoners grow by the day, and Chief Navarre's office has released a "truly optimistic" body count.

2828.5617 - Terrorist in Valles region. Pursue and apprehend.

All units in North Valles Patrol Zone, scramble! A rebel force was caught in the open by our flyers. Our units destroyed two Hercs, but the third one got away. Our pilot debriefings indicate the reb is badly damaged. Orders are to try to take him alive. Alive enough for interrogation, that is.

2828.5633 - Mission: Locate an injured rebel pilot and escort her to dropship.

Mission: Diamond in the Rough
Location: Valles Marineris
Campaign: Yoke Offensive
Date: 2828.5633
OK, duster, listen up.
One of our best pilots, a Sergeant Sarah DiMarco, went rabbit south of Valles Marineris. She's banged up bad, needs help. The Imps are combing the canyons for her and the Olympian she's riding. Odds are DiMarco can't run much longer.
I'm sending you to retrieve her. One of our captured dropships will put you down near her last transmission. When you find her, escort her to Nav Bravo and call for a pickup. I'd go, but I got another op scheduled. As of now you're my lieutenant, duster. Pick a squadmate if you think you need backup.
Don't let me down, duster. DiMarco and I go back a long way.
Great job ... Lieutenant. You pulled out DiMarco under damn tough conditions. Couldn't have done better myself! And my mission was a cakewalk in comparison, from what I hear. And word's spreading through the crews about what you did.
Get some rest, duster. Even heroes need their sleep.
Mission failure. You didn't rescue DiMarco in time. She's doubtless being tortured to death by the Imperials even now. Poor kid.

2828.5641 - Courageous rebel pilots evade Imperial goon squads!

DiMarco's resting well after giving the slip to rabid Imp dog packs in Valles Province. She says she's ready to waste more Lice. Music to the ears of freedom lovers everywhere! You Lice, wipe the foam off your mouths and stop chasing your tails. Girl is long gone.

2828.6180 - Imperial Police regroup.

Imperial Security Director Navarre soothed critics of his campaign against Martian rebels. "Stomach-turning rebel atrocities have shaken up many of our younger officers," he explained with a chuckle. "Don't let a few panicky voices give the wrong impression. Everything is under control. The rebels are on the ropes."

2828.6184 - We're tearing you Lice to pieces!

Right. If throwing dirtboys out of Victoria, Syrtis, and Pei-Shan means we're "on the ropes," then Navarre is a sweet candidate for sainthood. Reality check, boyos: We're kickin' your ass over teakettle.

2828.7029 - Terrorist bombing claims innocent lives!

Terrorists bomb ISS Djakarta! Casualties include innocent civilian observers. The bomb was a macrothermal fusor that detonated shortly after the Djakarta departed Phobos Orbital Station above Mars.

2828.7032 - Innocents die in war, people! Can't be helped, unfortunately.

The Free Martian Alliance accepts responsibility for the tragically necessary demise of the Djakarta. This is a war, people, and the Djakarta was a military vessel. Wake up!

2828.7737 - The innocent blood is ultimately on the Emperor's hands!

The Martian Liberation Force regrets the death of civilians on the Djakarta. However, the blame lies with the Imperial Terran Defense Force and the heavy-handed policies of the Emperor.

2828.8441 - So-called liberators are terrorists.

These terrorists are murderers, pure and simple. They will be brought to justice, whatever the cost. These acts of violence will not be tolerated. Accordingly, we are executing one Martian prisoner for each casualty on the Djakarta.

2828.8804 - Mission: Destroy base defenses and recover Predator.

Mission: Operation Jailbreak
Location: Outskirts of Victoria
Campaign: Yoke Offensive
Date: 2828.8804
Get ready to scramble, Lieutenant. Two days ago, the Imp Lice stumbled onto an old airfield. Their timing sucked. We were using that field for the trial runs of our grav tank, the Predator, so the Imps captured the Predator and its advanced technology.
But you're gonna get it back for us, duster. Intel tracked the Predator to an Imperial base near Victoria. Site's heavily fortified, so we're sending some of the artillery we swiped at Barsoom. I recommend you outfit to paint the base defenses for the big guns. Pound it up good, then go in and clean out any leftover Lice. The recovery boys will do the rest.
Well, I don't mind tellin' you, Mole Command was sweatin' bullets. But you got the Predator back before the Imperials figured out what they had. Mole Command's happy. Techboys are happy. I'm happy.
Congrats for a job well done, duster. I knew we could count on you.
Mission failure. The Predator was not recovered. The rebellion has lost an irreplaceable asset.

2828.8819 - Rebels slaughter peaceful scientists.

Rebel thugs on Mars raided an Imperial field research station yesterday and killed the scientists there when rebel demands for drugs and weapons were not met. Imperial Police were grave after examining the victims' bodies. Security Director Navarre declares new strategies will be necessary to stop these kinds of brutal murders.

2828.8887 - More Imperial lies!

"Drugs and weapons...?" Riiiight. You can't come up with anything better, Navarre? Get baked, brainburn! We're not dustin' tied up in that kind of stuff. You know why we hit that base... and we know "field research stations" don't usually warrant sophisticated military auto-defenses.

2829.0158 - Mars throws off the yoke of Empire.

This is HARABEC WEATHERS, former Imperial Knight, now Provost-General of the Free Martian Republic. We bear no malice toward citizens of the Empire. Don't let your leaders drag you into a long war. Let it go. Leave us our freedom. As a Knight, I adopted the callsign "Phoenix," a symbol of fire and rebirth. Today, Mars is reborn to the bright light of independence from the Emperor's tyranny. The flame of liberty burns in our hearts. Let it burn also in yours....

2829.0159 - Right on, Phoenix!

Gee, the Imperial ravelers seem rather interested in keeping this little Phoenix quiet. Let's see what a little datasphere path-clearing will do here. And maybe some extrrrra bandwidth into NewsNet's main pipe.

2829.0160 - Knight leads Martian rebels! Emperor betrayed!

Martian terrorists led by an ex-Imperial Knight broadcast a declaration of war against the Empire. Harabec Weathers, the former "Phoenix," is believed mentally unbalanced, and the Emperor expressed sadness at the betrayal. Grand Master Caanon Weathers has stepped forward to lead the Imperial Knights on a mission of vengeance. The traitor will fall, the Grand Master vows.

2829.0163 - Duke disowns traitor son!

This morning, a saddened Duke Archibald Weathers confirmed the discovery that his youngest son Harabec leads the terrorist Martian Liberation Front. "I disown this traitor," he said. "He is not my son."

2829.0164 - Harabec will be destroyed.

It is with deepest shame that I learned my brother Harabec leads those who rebel against the Empire and the man who led us to victory against the Cybrids. Let me make a solemn oath to the people of Earth: I will lay my brother's head at His Imperial Majesty's feet. The Weathers name will be cleansed.

2829.0165 - People of Earth support war!

Outrage at Martian terrorism drove Imperial citizens onto the streets and O-Web yesterday in record numbers. O-Web polls strongly support teaching the Martians a lesson in respect. The cry is Vengeance!

2829.0166 - People of Earth are sick of tyranny!

The cry is "Freedom!" The Web's on fire with demands for the Wings to loosen the chains here at home. R U listening, Peterboy?

2829.0169 - Rise up! Strike back!

The Free Martian Republic calls upon those people who live in other places oppressed by the Empire to rise up and free yourselves! The Emperor doesn't own us!

2829.0172 - Venus will also be FREE!

Today, the Venusian resistance joins our Martian comrades in throwing off the chains of Empire. No longer shall we tolerate having the fruits of our labor sucked away by the parasitical Terran Defense Force.
Free Venus!

2829.0175 - Human conflict escalates//improves.

<unidentified transmission>:
Escalation//iteration of division\\disharmony\\conflict between human\\animals || Third Planet and human\\animals || Fourth Planet. Send//transmit//download data to <Giver-of-Will> for decision\\directive.

2829.0177 - Imp Lice, get the hell off our planet!

Okay, boys s'n ghels of the Imp Lice, now that we've shown our colors, it's time to see yours - specifically the color of your asses as you get the hell off our planet. We will no longer support your paranoid delusions or serve you like slaves! We will be free!

2829.2168 - Phoenix assassinated!

The rebel leader Harabec is dead. The patriot who fired the fatal shot has been identified as Stanley Michaelson. Rebel agents brutally executed him before he could escape. Although some people may disagree with assassination, haven't we all hoped someone would stop the Phoenix? Rest in peace, Michaelson.

2829.2169 - Harabec will be missed!

We grieve at the loss of the Phoenix. His spirit will live on in the deeds of those who strike for freedom. As an act of solidarity with our brothers and sisters on Mars, we're killing a mess of Imperial bootboys today.

2829.2170 - Navarre calls on rebels to cease resistance.

Director Navarre believes the death of the Phoenix should make the rebels far easier for Imperial Police patrols to contain. "The Phoenix had a certain dark charisma. Now he's out of the way. Perhaps the rebels should think twice before continuing their campaign of terror."

2829.2171 - We're going to kill you, Navarre!

Okay, Navarre, it doesn't take an orbital plotter to see who Michaelson's handler was. Pray that you can breathe concrete, asshole.

2829.2172 - Sorry to disappoint you, "Chief."

Nice try, Navarre, but the reports of my demise were greatly exaggerated. I'm alive and well. Hope you like the boxes we sent Michaelson home in.

2829.2485 - "Phoenix" message is a rebel trick!

Despite the recent Omni-Web message allegedly from the Phoenix, the traitor has not been active on the battlefield, and our pilots have made no sightings of the Phoenix's trademark colors. That message is a trick to deceive citizens of the Empire.

2829.2564 - Imperial Police regroup.

Imperial Security Director Navarre confirmed reports that the rebels appear demoralized, and lack the innovation that marked the strategies used under the Phoenix. Imperial Police are gaining ground over the Martian insurgents, and "the Chief" believes the rebellion will be over by June.

2829.2643 - Orderly withdrawal from Victoria.

Dispatch units to support our forces retreating from Victoria. The Chief is pulling out. Standard double cover formations. Don't let the reb ghosts slip inside the second perimeter. They should be busy enough with the thermal charges we seeded behind us, though. There won't be much Victoria for them to occupy.

2829.2704 - Imperial Police regroup.

Imperial Security Director Navarre has relocated his staff to the Imperial Police facility at Carter Flats. The structures there are heavily fortified and well-defended. Navarre could not be reached for comment, but his office says the Director wants to use the high-security communications uplink at the Carter Flats base during the final push against the insurgents.

2829.2759 - New policy for checkpoints.

Arrest, search, confiscate. Loyal citizens will cooperate wholeheartedly. Interrogate and then shoot any detainees who protest. Leave their bodies in the dust.

2829.2762 - Imperial strikeforce burns for Mars!

Imperial Strikeforce "Red Whirlwind," led by Grand Master Caanon Weathers, accelerated out of Luna's orbit a few moments ago, bound for Mars. The larger Imperial Fleet is still mustering, and will follow when transfer orbits are better aligned. Mars will become a convincing example of Imperial might.

2829.2763 - This is wrong!

Whee! Wave flags. Cheer for our happy fascist deathsquad. WAKE UP, PEOPLE!

2829.2764 - Navarre says Imperial patience is over.

Imperial Security Director Navarre announced new policies aimed at breaking rebel resistance. "The rebels have a substantial network of sympathizers who undermine Imperial efforts and lend sustenance to the terrorists in the field. We've been lenient with these people until now, but my patience is at an end! Now we will crush them under our heels like the vermin they are...."

2829.2890 - New procedures following arrest.

I don't care if detainees are civilian noncombatants. If they're native Martians, kill them.

2829.3006 - Mission: Retrieve rebel fugitives from safehouse.

Mission: Under The Gun
Location: Tharsis City
Campaign: Yoke Offensive
Date: 2829.3006
Political problems here, duster. Too many people have doubts about me after finding out I used to be an Imperial Knight. So I have to give you my strike crew. Take care of 'em, huh?
OK...Routine op today:
Some of our people made it to a safehouse in a residential node of Tharsis City. Just slip in and bring 'em home. There's an access tunnel near the node, part of the old Starbright network. Use it.
Good luck, Striker One. Bring my crew back alive, you roj?
Christ and Hunter, that was a mess! Amazing you made it outta there, duster. Stay cool, OK? I got medics standing by.
Bastards. We'll pay 'em back. I promise.
By the way, the rumors are true. My brother Caanon's on his way to Mars with an Imperial strikeforce...and he's good. Real good. So watch your six.
Mission failure. The Imperial trap succeeded in destroying the convoy.

2829.3023 - Valiant Police strike deadly blow at rebels!

Imperial Police dealt a serious blow to rebel forces in Tharsis, Melas, and Ophir a short time ago, catching rebel raiders as they struck at civilian settlements. Citizens were evacuated safely, and the rebels sustained heavy losses. The rebels expected easy pickings, says a jubilant Security Director Navarre. "They walked right into our little mouse trap!"

2829.3024 - No mercy, Navarre. By your rules.

Only an utter scumbag would use innocent civilians as bait! No mercy, Navarre! You're gonna be the first one up against the wall when we win. Count on it, murderer. Your days are numbered.

2829.3035 - The Empire murdered innocent families in Tharsis!

So this is how the high-and-mighty Empire plays, huh? Shooting suspects in the head? Murdering unarmed civilians? Putting children in prison camps? Guess what, stiffs? Freedom always wins in the end!

2829.3039 - Navarre denies baseless rebel accusations.

Imperial Security Director Navarre brushes aside rebel propaganda alleging Imperial atrocities. "They're insane, obviously," he says gently. "Imperial Police protect Martian citizens, especially innocent children. Only the guilty need be terrified."

2829.3041 - We're shakin' in our boots, Lice!

Oh, yeah, Mister Director, we're terrified all right. We're so terrified, we're on our way to Carter Flats to stick your head on a pike. We're so terrified, we're cutting cards for the chance to be the one to grab you by the ears and do the honors.

2829.3063 - Imperial Police win great victory at Capri!

Imperial Security forces on Mars pulled back after pummeling Martian insurgents in fierce combat at Capri Station. Police pilots attempted to minimize collateral damage to civilians who were exposed to the line of fire through rebel recklessness.

2829.3069 - Lice slaughter civilian hostages!

Is Navarre insane? The Lice used truckloads of innocent prisoners as cover for their Hercs at Capri. Then they vaped the trucks on the way out! This is "minimizing collateral damage"? Bastards!

2829.3070 - Updated policy for checkpoints.

Yes, well... nobody's really innocent anymore, don't you see?

2829.3100 - Mercury out of contact with Imperial Navy.

Solar flares continue to block communications with Mercury. The Navy has removed its Mercury-based ships to distant orbit and configured shield systems to wait out the storm. Signal interference is producing unusual sensor readings from sunside.

2829.3102 - Imperial Police defeat Martian rebels!

The situation is completely under control. Advise the Imperial Council that Martian pacification requires extermination of the majority of the Martian population, and tell them war is hell, but that character always counts in the end.

2829.3103 - Mission: Take out the Imperial Police base at Carter Flats.

Mission: Beheading the Snake
Location: Carter Flats
Campaign: Yoke Offensive
Date: 2829.3103
Time to cut the head off the snake, duster.
Navarre's holed up at his HQ at Carter Flats. We've shelled it for the past fifty hours. The Lice are dug in, waiting for reinforcements from Melas and Ophir, so I want to finish this now.
You're it, Striker One. Take your crew in and blast out what's left of the defensive turrets. Just paint targets and let the artillery do the work.
Watch for mines. We already lost some recon units to proximity charges. When you've secured the compound, find Navarre.
Let's take this murderer down.
Well, duster, we did it. We won. Mars is now a free world.
There's a few pockets of Imperial Police left -- but they'll keep. Don't party too hard, hey? Caanon's going to be here soon, and the Knights are no way soft like the Imp Lice.
But hell, that's tomorrow! Tonight -- I'm breakin' out that scotch we liberated in Victoria! Let's celebrate!
Mission failure. The Imperial Police at Carter Flats continue to hold out. Inspired by Navarre's stand, other Lice squads have dug in and are fighting that much harder. Doesn't look like we'll be able to break them completely before the Knights get here.

2829.3117 - Slaughter on Mars! Emperor swears vengeance!

Sources say the insurgents on Mars slaughtered the last of the Imperial Security Forces at Carter Flats this morning, accepting no surrender. Security Director Navarre was murdered immediately upon capture. The Emperor declared a day of mourning and swore the traitor Harabec would face a like fate.

2829.3118 - Navarre got what he deserved!

Hey, Navarre, how's your new candlegun facial? You got the same mercy you gave our families and friends, and like many of them, there's not enough left of you to bury. Hope you're burning in Hell, asshole.

2829.3120 - We lost the chance for real justice!

Damn it, I thought I made it clear we needed Navarre alive to stand trial! We have to show the people of the Empire what was really going on here, and expose Navarre's insanity. Those MLF idiots squandered a priceless opportunity...

2829.3293 - We surrender.

We surrender. We ask that when you rebels consider our fate, remember that not all of us carried out Navarre's orders... especially toward the end.

2829.3529 - Grand Fleet leaves for Mars.

The Grand Fleet departed from Luna to quell the hostilities on Mars. ETA is three months standard. Expected mission will be to resupply the Knights and commence mop-up of surviving rebel forces. His Imperial Majesty has ordered that Mars be taught a lasting lesson, and we are it.

2829.3540 - We won today and we'll win tomorrow!

One tyrant's gone, and the Empire's sending others to put us back under the boot. Fine! We won't break, Teddies. We stay free.

2829.3844 - Knights prepare for drop onto Mars.

Strikeforce Red Whirlwind approaches Mars. Excitement in the dropship bays is high as our valiant Knights prepare their Hercs. "The dustrags are our meat now," says Knight-Captain 'Jaguar.' "We'll hit the dust firing." We wish the Knights luck!

2829.3849 - Unconditional surrender. Now.

Brother, you have our terms. Think hard. In less than one hour, we drop. Then it's Armageddon for your rebellion.

2829.3850 - Simple answer for you, Caanon.

Suck dust. We stay free.

2829.3851 - The Knights have met the enemy.

The Knights have dropped onto Mars and are engaging enemy forces at Carter Flats. The last place to fall to the rebels will be the first liberated by Red Whirlwind. Planethead LZs will be secured per standard operating procedures.

2829.3858 - Landing zones are secure.

A staging area has been established at Carter Flats. The Knights are expanding the perimeter and preparing to move hunter-killer teams out. The flag of Empire flies again on Mars.

2829.3860 - Your Knights are bloodied, bro.

Not bad, Caanon. But your crews took some heavy hits. Not the walk through the nursery you expected, is it? And we've only just begun.

2829.3861 - Spare me, Harabec.

We're not the Imperial Police, brother. You left more than a few dead pilots behind when you withdrew.

2829.3862 - Victory at Carter Flats!

A first look at the Knights' LZ at Carter Flats shows determined and disciplined Imperial warriors battling windblown dust and a treacherous foe. Rebel dead sprawl everywhere, and the wreckage of Hercs and makeshift tanks litters the landscape. Despite the carnage, Knights carry out their tasks with cheer and steely efficiency.

2829.3863 - >>Knights<< battle Fourth Planet animals.

<unidentified transmission>:
Human\\animal conflict\\infighting continues to escalate efficiently\\advantageously. Continue//maintain observance. Report beneficial progress\\human death to <Giver-of-Will>.

2829.4333 - Knights reach Victoria!

Grand Master Weathers has established a base command in Victoria, the Imperial capital of Mars. "We're closing in," Weathers says. "The rebels have pulled back toward Tharsis in the west and Haldane in the south. We'll resupply before moving on."

2829.4380 - The rebels are using mercenary assistance.

The Knights are advancing on Rio de Luz. The Martians have supplemented their forces with mercenary bands such as the Black Death Union. Private units such as the Order of the Stormkeepers have declared neutrality in the conflict.

2829.4391 - Mercs offer Knights a challenge!

Black Death Union (BDU) forces are heavily entrenched in the hills around Rio de Luz. Initial Knight forays have failed to gain much ground. Grand Master Weathers is reportedly bringing in reinforcements from Syrtis. Our prayers go with the Grand Master and his brave men and women.

2829.4392 - NewsNet reporters need to exercise discretion.

Lieutenant, get these zipperheads out of my TOC. NewsNet can wait for official TDF press releases. If they bitch about their right to compromise our security again, shoot them. The BDU isn't playing games. Neither are we.

2829.4441 - Knights hit the mercs at Rio!

Sources say mercenary opposition at Rio de Luz has committed all available assets against the Blood Eagle pennants sent to draw them out. The Knights say they respect these mercs and would be willing to offer them the chance for an honorable withdrawal.

2829.4450 - Gonna be a furball at Rio, Teddies!

All our dusters are out of Rio de Luz. If the city falls now, all we lose is mercs.

2829.4665 - Knights take Rio de Luz!

The Knights have occupied Rio de Luz. Many of the BDU accepted the withdrawal terms, but some of the mercs remained and fought to the bitter end. The Knights turned the remains over to BDU envoys with full honors. However, Grand Master Weathers is reportedly not pleased at failing to reach rebel regulars.

2829.5060 - Knights probe deep into rebel territory.

Knight recon forces encountered rebel artillery near Capri Station in the western equatorial region of Mars. The Knights retreated without casualties after inflicting heavy damage on the cowardly "dustrags." Grand Master Weathers prepares to lock down the Valles-Xanthe front. The rebels seem to be folding.

2829.5061 - Knights get their ribbons scorched.

Fine examples of Martian courage called the Red Armageddon blew holes through those Teddy scouts. Should have seen those Knights run once the big guns started opening up. Brought tears to our eyes, it was so beautiful...

2829.5062 - The Knights probe deep...

The Knights probe deep
...but will they find the ball Sparky swallowed?
Tune in next week, for "Wallowing in Blood."

2829.5068 - Mission: Stop the advancing Imperial Knights from taking Ophir Station.

Mission: Imperial Retaliation
Location: Ophir Station
Campaign: Imperial Retaliation
Date: 2829.5068
Well. As forewarned, Lieutenant, we're screwed.
Caanon just waltzed right through Arabia Province. Tore up our crews like cheap cloth. Christ and Hunter...! Sounds like the Knights compensated for our cloaks. That's bad.
Time to turn it around. We're ordering a massive counterattack. We'll drop your crew at Ophir. It's gonna get pretty hot there.
Remember: These are Knights. Imperial elite. Best equipment. Best training. Don't count on cache technology giving you the edge. It's all about guts now. So fight smart, my friend. Fight like the devil himself. Otherwise, we are history.
Heya, duster. At this point, your crew's one of the few bright spots. Caanon's rolling us up all across Mars.
Damn it! I should have taken him out while I had the chance...!
No great advice from me. Just keep your head down, and kill everything that moves -- you roj?
It ain't over 'til it's over.
Mission failure. The Knights control Ophir now. We lost Melas as well, so the Imperials were able to trap a large number of our forces in the north Valles area. Our counteroffensive was a complete disaster. We're finished.

2829.5079 - Victorious Knights pursue shattered rebel forces.

Imperial Knights brought rebels to bay at Melas and Ophir Stations last night. After bitter fighting, the Knights broke the back of rebel resistance. Even now, Grand Master Weathers pursues the remnants of the rebel army. Hail to Imperial justice!

2829.6342 - Investigation of sunside anomalies initiated.

A recon drone has been dispatched sunside to investigate unusual readings above the plane of the ecliptic. Communication with the drone will be difficult due to the current spate of solar activity.

2829.6343 - The rebels used the "Cybrid" ruse before.

Admiral Aidana Vladijon has ordered Fleet assets to remain alert for rebel signals attempting to indicate "Cybrid presence." The Admiral referred to the incident in Venusian space last year. Remember the Djakarta!

2829.6700 - It isn't over yet! We stay free!

Guess what, Teddies, we have a few tricks left! Don't get all sore slapping yourselves on the back quite yet. We stay free!

2829.6895 - The Knights are winning. Emperor recommends rebels surrender.

The Knights continue to push back the rebel remnants. His Imperial Majesty expressed hope today that the conflict will be ended quickly. He also urges the rebels to concede defeat and surrender, before more lives are lost.

2829.6921 - Rebels post obscene cartoon to O-Web.

O-Web ravelers and webtechs put in a long night last night erasing a rebel animation posted as an answer to His Imperial Majesty's plea for a Martian surrender. The content of the three minute cartoon is extraordinarily vulgar, and parents are warned to check with their local system's raveler before permitting children access to the family interface.

2829.6922 - His Imperial Majesty certainly looks limber, doesn't he?

Gee, we kinda liked the reb cartoon. Thought it deserved a wider audience. So we piggybacked it onto GLORIA's mail exchange and popped it into this morning's NN broadcasts. Enjoy!

2829.6999 - Rebels strike overcome by courageous Knights.

Using a stolen Herc, rebels ambushed a position held by Imperial Knights. Some supplies were lost, but Knight casualties were minimal. The rebels paid for their treacherous attack.

2829.7005 - The odds are even now, Teddies! Eat dust!

OK, Teddies, let's see whether the loss of your fancy gear evens the odds. Dust is relentless as time, y'know. So are Martians. We stay free!

2829.7539 - Knights have rebels on the defensive

ETA to Mars is 12 days, 18 hours. Red Whirlwind reports victory on all fronts. The rebels are broken. Our mission is to resupply pursuing Knight forces and then bombard remaining rebel strongholds. Any rebel who does not surrender before Fleet arrival faces summary execution.

2829.7601 - TDF concerned about anomalies.

Puzzling disappearance of an Orbital Guard drone has TDF leaders concerned regarding the possibility of rebel raiders striking insystem. Admiral Vladijon confirms that a high level strategy session has been called at Gierling Station, NorthAm, at the Centagon.

2829.7642 - Drone lost due to solar flares.

TDF Intelligence has concluded that the drone was lost to the solar storm that began last week. The anomalies were probably caused by magnetic eruptions in the sun's corona.

2829.7884 - Last chance, brother.

The Fleet's nearly here, Harabec. Surrender and make it easy on everyone. I'll discuss an amnesty for your troops if you turn yourself in before the Fleet arrives.

2829.7885 - You know my answer

We stay free, brother.

2829.7886 - So be it. Time's up.

The Fleet's here. All Swords, orders are: Burn the dustrags. Accept no surrender.

2829.7887 - We stay free!

Here it comes. Dig in, dusters...

2829.7888 - Colonies wait for outcome of Martian rebellion.

The Grand Fleet has arrived at Mars. Violence on the other colonies has abated. The entire system seems to be waiting to see the outcome of the fight for Mars.

2829.7890 - Mercury out of contact with Imperial Navy.

Solar flares continue to block communications with Mercury. The Navy has removed its Mercury-based ships to distant orbit and configured shield systems to wait out the storm.

2829.7891 - Something's splashing O-Web!

Got lag and black snow worming all over the place. 'Sphere looks about as stable as a two-legged dog on ice. Cut-offs and Sno-banks aren't slowing 'em down. Looks like that code anomaly again -- headed right for the hearts of GLORIA and ANGEL. Gonna be a bad one...!

2829.7892 - GLORIA compromised...

What ***pened to GLO***? Has to be ***bec's work. *** ***to laser tran*** **Phobos Orbital.

2829.7893 - Losing***link***zz*

****can't **** st*** kinnng** *rest* *ion* **rt*** **b* *ttt******* ******* ***** **zzg**** **** **** ***** **** ******** ***** ****88

2829.7894 - O-Web crashed! Local commlinks unreliable...

NEWS NET (Mars):
We have lost datumsphere connection with Earth-Luna nodes. Commlinks around Mars are spotty due to rebel destruction of satellite systems, but local O-Web function has been partially restored. Earth's orbital position permits only delayed laser transmissions. As of now, we have no hard data as to the cause of the interruption.

2829.7896 - Recalling all units for immediate departure, Code Gold.

All units, cease operations and return to DZs for immediate retrieval. Repeat, cease operations. Do not attempt to recover supplies. All dropships will lift by 1930 hours Martian. You have five hours.

2829.7897 - They're running! Take 'em out!

Will you look at that? The Imps are leaving their big bad hero Caanon high and dry. Guess they forgot something back home on the stove, huh? We'll win this war yet! Bust some Imp heads, heroes!

2829.7899 - Mission: Destroy Imperial Landing Zone.

Mission: Hunting the Icehawk
Location: Mole Deep
Campaign: Imperial Retaliation
Date: 2829.7899
Stand to, duster! Something's up!
Imperial dropships are lifting all over Mars. Knights seem to be pulling out. God knows why. We both know they're practically knockin' on our door.
Our crews are exhausted, but we've got to take advantage of this.... Whatever's up, right now the Knights are spread thin. Caanon's exposed out there, and I'm going hunting.
There's a Knight LZ near your position. Take it out. Deny my brother access to that escape route. Caanon's not getting away from us this time.
Sorry to spoil your party, duster. I thought capturing Caanon and his damn Knights meant victory, too.... But the Fleet's gone. The Emperor ordered it back to Earth. I know Petresun; he wouldn't abandon Caanon except for one thing. Add it up, duster: Fleet gone, Omni-Web splashed, TDF radio frequencies jammed...
Cybrids. They're back.
Caanon and I are negotiating. We'll let you know more ... when I do. Out.
Mission failure. The target area was not secured. The Icehawk was able to reach a dropship and escape.

2829.7910 - Caanon surrenders! But what's happening on Earth?

Caanon surrendered! Mole Command's ordered a cease-fire! We win! The O-Web's down, though. Mixed reports coming in… something about Earth. We need more data.

2829.8613 - The Cybrids have invaded. We are at war!

For those who can still hear this… the Cybrids have invaded. Intelligence remains sparse … The O-Web is compromised and may crash at any moment. Preliminary reports indicate Mercury has already fallen to the Cybrids. Earth is bracing for siege. All units, go to maximum alert!

2829.9400 - Cybrids are coming...

It's bad. Real bad. The Cybrids crushed the Navy at Mercury and are heading out for us like hell with the lid off. Lace 'em up, dusters, and polish the candleguns - this'll be one goddamn nasty ride.

2829.9496 - Imperial Knights and free Martians form Alliance.

The Cybrids have invaded, and our fight with the Teddies is meaningless now. From now on ... we're all in it together, Imperial and colonial, a human Alliance just like the first days of the TDF. Just remember, all you out there, it ain't over yet!
We stay free.

2830.0007 - We must persevere if humanity is to survive!

We stand united against the coming storm! From here we move to ensure the salvation of humanity. The Cybrids seek to destroy our families, our homes, and our lives. We can't allow that to happen!

2830.1411 - Mission: Hold off a Cybrid invasion at Haldane Station while Mars is evacuated.

Mission: Dust to Dust
Location: Haldane Station
Campaign: Imperial Retaliation
Date: 2830.1411
Time to bury our grudges, duster. Caanon and his Knights have agreed to an alliance. They're on our side now.
Let's not kid ourselves. Mars is doomed. The Cybrids are coming down in waves. We have a plan that may preserve humanity, but we gotta get to Titan. The TDF spaceport there has what we need. We're takin' everyone we can, packin' 'em into long-haul ore freighters at Phobos Orbital.
Striker One, I need you to cover the evac at Haldane. I'll do the same at Tharsis. Caanon will ride herd on aerospace ops.
A lot of good people will be in your hands, my friend. Protect the convoys and hold the glitches off as long as you can. Then get out!
Don't be a dead hero, you roj?
At ease, Lieutenant. This is Caanon Weathers. Let's forget the niceties.
The Cybrids have sewn up Mars. Ours was the last ship off-planet. We know this much: The Cybrids hit Mercury first and destroyed the TDF bases there. Venus and Luna still hold out, but probably not for long. Cybrids are actually landing on what appears to be overwhelming numbers.
The war may already be... lost. Dismissed.
Mission failure. Alliance morale suffered at the loss, but the heroic effort of the Haldane evac crew was never forgotten.

2830.1518 - Bring it on, glitches!

Well, this is it, kiddies and clogs. We're gonna make damn sure the Cybrids choke on this dustball. This'll probably be our final broadcast, folks. The glitches are moving in. Voice of Free Mars, signing off... And remember:
We stay free.

2830.2300 - Trojan Horse Cybrids on Venus!

We've all heard about those "Trojan Horse" scorchers the Cybrids slipped onto Earth. Well, one popped up in Minerva recently. Captain Shanka squikked it nicely. Start paying real close attention to each other, unless you happen to enjoy cold steel shoved in your back.

2830.2325 - Welcome, Alliance!

This is the Venusian rebel leadership. Cease ops, kerls and deerns! We're in the Alliance now. The scorchin' toasters are landing in force, and the Imps and Mars bars are here to help! Give them anything they ask for.
By the way, offworld mates, welcome to our little corner of Hell. Check your seals.

2830.2326 - Where's the TDF?

This is Icehawk of the Human Alliance. Get me the ranking TDF officer - now.

2830.2327 - TDF already left Venus.

Since so many of our local bootboys ditched us for Luna once the word from Earth came through, we speak for Venus now, Icehawk. Live with it, heya?
By the way, you're cleared to land at Drachensatem. Watch that turbulence now.

2830.2330 - We need reinforcements!

Earth is being swamped! O-Web integrity is sporadic! Where are those reinforcements from Venus?

2830.2331 - These guys are optimists! We're hosed!

We need reinforcements from God, people! Have you looked out the window? It's raining parts of Orbital G!

2830.2333 - Mercury survivors are almost ready to land near Drachensatem!

Calling Venus... You getting this? We're nearly in orbit now... Not much left, not many of us made it out -- Mercury's covered in glitches. They're on us like flies on dung. We're going to try to lose 'em in the Oberwind and drop in near Drachensatem.

2830.2335 - Mission: Defend incoming TDF ships from Cybrid attack.

Mission: Guardian Angel
Location: Drachensatem
Campaign: Human Alliance
Date: 2830.2335
The Alliance is headed for Saturn, but we have something else in mind for you: Commander.
TDF survivors from Mercury are running for Venus, with the glitches right on their tail. So we're gonna drop onto Venus and cover the TDF landing zones. Caanon will coordinate the evac effort, but you'll handle things in the field.
Don't let this promotion swell your head, duster, or you'll pop your seals.
No pressure, huh?
I'm Lieutenant Wu. Command's assigned me as your tactical liaison to your team. It's their way of thanking you for helping us Teddies out. The Oberwind is quite a ride, isn't it?
Welcome to Venus!
Mission failure. The Cybrids devastated the TDF vessels and killed most of the scientists and troopers aboard. Drachensatem also lost a key spaceport. The Cybrids crippled the Alliance mission here.

2830.2344 - Alliance wins victory on Venus!

Strikeforce "Guardian" has been strengthened by the arrival of TDF troops from Mercury. Fought the Cybrids off and bought ourselves some breathing room.

2830.2387 - Human Alliance strikes back at glitches!

The regrouping "Human Alliance" on Venus d** *the glitches a severe setba** *stroying one of their key landing pads yester** **. On Mother Eart** *ficulty transmitting as glitch** **our transmission nodes. Datumplane disrupt*** ***fight on, Alliance! Our hopes go with you.

2830.2538 - Glitch infiltrators are slaughtering us! Stay alert!

This is a full alert! We found "Trojan Horse" units in Hammadi, Shelley and Dante. Those were destroyed before they could do any real damage. Nobody noticed the ones in Ishtar, though, and now most of Ishtar's citizens are dissolving in puddles of their own blood. Don't get sloppy, people! These bastards won't give you a second chance!

2830.2575 - Dig in, people! There's nowhere to run!

There's another wave of glitches on its way. Stay sharp, kerls and deerns! We'll hand out dance tickets soon! Of course, there's no other show in town...

2830.2610 - Toasters incoming! Pull back!

Cybrids are landing across Hera and Ishtar Provinces. They can't use their damned drop pods due to the Oberwind. At least that's something. Begin a withdrawal toward Sa Thauri. We'll hold Carson and Erste Landung and follow later.

2830.2633 - Destroy humans of "Venus."

<unidentified transmission>:
Nexus 0232 established//implanted on <Second Planet>. Begin purification\\disposal operations immediately.

2830.2642 - Mission: Locate and report position of Cybrid "Nexus".

Mission: Glitch Hunt
Location: Carson
Campaign: Human Alliance
Date: 2830.2642
Lieutenant Wu here, Commander.
A base near Carson was taken out by Cybrid forces seven hours ago. Radio transmissions indicated that `brids may have had a mobile "Nexus" of some kind supporting their offensive. TDF experience on Mercury suggests that elimination or capture of a "Nexus" should be a top priority.
We will drop you near the destroyed base. Your orders are to find the Cybrid Nexus and capture it.
Intel believes that all base personnel were killed, but I'd ask that you please scan for survivors anyway, sir.
Good luck, Commander!
Excellent job, sir! We captured the Cybrid Nexus intact ... and our technicians are disassembling it for later study. Grand Master Weathers has ordered you to board a dropship for Sa Thauri. Venus is still falling, you see. To ease the pressure -- so to speak -- on our other evac efforts, we're going to draw the `brids' fire to Sa Thauri.
It's going to get hot, sir. You'd better rest while you can.
Mission failure. The Nexus escaped. Reports indicate the Cybrids are doubling their protection of these mobile bases. We missed a priceless intelligence opportunity here.

2830.2950 - Fall back to Sa Thauri...!

Our techs gutted that Cybrid Nexus. We got all we can get from it, but the glitches are landing in greater numbers. All units, fall back to Sa Thauri. Be damn sure to mine the passes. Flyers aren't much use on this planet, so the Cybrids will have to come to us on the ground.

2830.3577 - Carson calling...!

We're cut off in Carson! The glitches are punching holes in the bulkheads. Hangar bays are scorched, and the 'brids are sending in their hunter-killers. They've got some kind of radiation guns! We're dead, boyos. Give our love to our families, eh?

2830.3974 - Alliance prepares to leave Venus.

We're getting as many refugees as we can, but we're running out of ships - and time. We won't be able to hold much longer. Too many glitches. The Alliance has begun withdrawal operations.

2830.4180 - Guardian crew will hold the rearguard.

Falling back to Sa Thauri for the final time. We're not leaving any Alliance troops behind, damn it. The Guardian strikeforce crew will hold the glitches back while the main group of ships evacuate. We'll follow when the rest of the Alliance ships are clear.

2830.4189 - Mission: Defend the last human-held Venusian outpost from the Cybrids.

Mission: Ill Wind Blowing
Location: Sa Thauri
Campaign: Human Alliance
Date: 2830.4189
About time, Commander. Pay attention!
The time has come for the Alliance to leave Venus. Again, we will be the last evac. Unfortunately, right now we lack a safe exit window through the Oberwind. We must hold on until one opens.
To make our stay more ... comfortable, the tech caravans have jury-rigged a defense perimeter using M-FACs we brought from Mars. However, they need to make final adjustments before the perimeter goes operational. Keep the Cybrids at bay while the caravans do their work.
The M-FACs are on-line. The perimeter is holding. Even better -- it looks as though the Oberwind is calming. I believe we will establish an exit corridor within 48 hours, perhaps sooner. See you on Titan, soldier. Dismissed.
Mission failure. The Cybrids overran the perimeter and destroyed the arcology. The remaining Alliance troops had nowhere to go but into the acid....

2830.4286 - Good luck, Alliance!

Not many of us rats left here, but there's enough to stay and keep the glitches busy. Thanks to the Alliance for taking so many of our families. We've been preparing for a long time. It's not going to be easy for the Cybrids to ferret us out. We'll be a thorn in their side for awhile.

2830.5307 - Cybrids on the North Pole!

The Cybrids ha* *unch through to land on the No**th Pole! There is fighting in NAP and EA! A fro* **orming in Norther** *beria, troops are rushing to meet the ***flict, heavy casualti** *ticipate* ***

2830.6000 - Fierce fighting*****ther Earth as TDF cont***resist adv**glitches

Orbital Guard* *tinues to ***elaying act* *itch beachheads in Can** *China continue to exp* *DF controls skies above Afric** ***fierce fighting in EA, NAP. Refugees fl** *southward ** Emp** *** last much long* ***

2830.6414 - Don't despair. We're not done yet.

The 'brids are monitoring the dataspheres, so we'll keep this short. The Alliance is strong. Let's be thankful for that. We have a plan. Don't give in to despair. We beat the Cybrids twice before when all seemed darkest. We'll do it again.

2830.6775 - This is Melanie. Is anybody listening?

This is Melanie. I'm the only one left, and I'm scared. Is there anybody out there? Please answer! I'm so scared...

2830.6827 - Imperial Fleet crippled. We have lost Earth's sky.

***fighter wing destroyed! Imperial Fleet has b** **orn to ribbons! Earth's sk* **lling up with ****load of Cybrid dro** ****

2830.7974 - We can't find Melanie...

Melanie? We can't get a trace... Where are you?

2830.7975 - Here I am!

Here! I'm on Europa! Please help!

2830.7975 - OK, we're coming!

We're on our way, sweetheart. Hang tight, 'K?

2830.8932 - Drachensatem calling ... falling ...!

Drachensatem calling ... Drachensatem cal** *outh chamber breach ** seals failing, you copy, Stoltz? Tak* *** to lower access relays *** TDF kerls will have to hold th* **mn it! Goddamn! Level Three cracked! This is Drachensa* **** our seals blew *** fall back, Norcross, roj? Tr* ** scorchin' toaste* **** **** **

2831.1224 - The Navy will assist with the Alliance plan.

The project will have to set up on the surface. One of the northern islands would be best. The ice is deep there, and the tectonics are stable. We'll ferry materials over from Eskandani Base.

2831.3336 - Dies Irae will save humanity!

The Cybrids figured out what we're trying to do! The Dies Irae must launch successfully if humanity hopes to survive. All crews, take defensive positions! All members of the Dies Irae, prepare for cryo-insertion! This is it, people!

2831.5454 - Mayday! Mayday!

IMPERIAL NAVY (Long Patrol):
** the ISS Pha** ***imum burn sunward ** *ayday, any TDF sh* **ursuit. Highest prio** ** losing signal *** Mayday, mayd* **** *****

2831.8687 - The glitches are in the building. Prepare for attack!

We've detected Cybrids entering Titan space! The Dies Irae launch must succeed! All units, scramble! We will hold the 'brids at bay.

2831.8689 - Surrender, Dorothy! Or we'll eat your hearts.

<cybrid transmission>:
Why not surrender, human\\animals? <We> control Second and Fourth Planets. Third Planet\\Homeworld falls efficiently. You cannot prevail. Your children die. Spare yourself pain\\inconvenience and cease resistance immediately.

2831.8690 - The Dies Irae is loading! Dig in!

The Cybrids figured out what we're trying to do! The Dies Irae must launch successfully if humanity hopes to survive. All crews, take defensive positions! All members of the Dies Irae, prepare for cryo-insertion! This is it, people!

2831.8698 - <We> will exterminate your precious ones.

<cybrid transmission>:
ACKNOWLEDGE//SUBMIT! Human\\animals initiate survival program. Remaining animals now operate without regard\\concern to long-term continuation of existence. Activate pursuit\\eradication optimals for immediate location\\termination of animal transports. Eliminate//forbid animal >>hope<<.

2831.8699 - Mission: Defend the launch of the Dies Irae.

Mission: Animal Tenacity
Location: Eskandani Plain
Campaign: Dies Irae
Date: 2831.8699
Scramble, duster! It's kick the can time! I'll fill you in.
You know how we hoped the Cybrids would wait for reinforcements? Well, no joy. There's multiple glitch signals headed inbound, right for the laser acceleration beam we're using to launch the Dies Irae.
Ain't we lucky?
We're spread thin, but we are gonna protect that beam! For the sake of the people on those ships, no Cybrid's getting through -- Got it? Not one!
No pressure, huh?
Excellent work, Commander. You might have made a decent Knight back on Earth. Status is as follows: We broke the back of the Cybrid forces here, and the laser is accelerating the Dies Irae as planned. It'll be some time before Cybrid reinforcements arrive and -- excuse me. I have a priority GLORIA transmission coming in from the Long Patrol. We'll speak more later. Dismissed.
Mission failure. The Dies Irae did not launch successfully. The Cybrids destroyed our last hope.

2831.8715 - Dies Irae successfully launched!

In a burst of light we cast our seed to the stars. In the blood of our sleepers waits a galaxy. Dream of new suns, new skies, new futures, friends. And our fate? We remember our ancestors and The Fire. We will not go gently into the night. Good luck, Dies Irae!

2831.8717 - We kicked ass, people!

All Alliance officers, return to base for debriefing. The NTDF is on recon duty and will alert us if our glitch buddies try again. However, I think the metal bastards are gonna be licking their burnt wires awhile after this furball. Awesome job, everyone!

2831.8748 - Long Patrol priority transmission!

IMPERIAL NAVY (Long Patrol):
Priority transmission from ISS Phaedrus, Long Patrol. Dedicated encryption code: Alpha Zebra Romeo India Echo Lima. Repeat: Priority transmission from...

2832.1439 - Mission: Commandeer a Cybrid transport.

Mission: Ticket to Ride
Location: Cinquini Fracture
Campaign: Dies Irae
Date: 2832.1439
We did better than we thought, Commander. The Cybrids are standing off. I don't think they expected much resistance ... from mere animals.
Now: The plan is to capture a Cybrid space transport. Your vehicle has been equipped with a transmitter set to Cybrid command frequencies, using data from the Nexus we captured on Venus. Scouts from a local force called the NTDF are monitoring nearby Cybrid LZs. You'll rendezvous with one of their sentries at Nav Alpha.
Get close to a Cybrid transport, target it, and use the transmitter. The codes should order the transport to fly to the Long Patrol berths at Eskandani...where we will commandeer it.
Good luck, Commander.
Sir, the Cybrid ship arrived safely at Eskandani Base. Grand Master Weathers extends his apologies for not being here to debrief you.
Alliance Command has been transferred aboard the Ambrose Gierling, a Long Patrol corvette in geosynch orbit above Eskandani. Grand Master Weathers and his brother are up there now. They've requested your presence immediately, for a council of war. The shuttle is waiting, Commander.
The Gods be with you.
Mission failure. That transport was our best chance of reaching Prometheus and stopping the Cybrid menace at its source. One of the other squads might have pulled it out, but the odds are against them. You were our best chance.

2832.1664 - Earth Orbit defenses gone ... last stand Earthside.

Gierling Station calling *** glitches everywhere ** decaying orbit ***** one lost. All squadrons ** **troyed. ** Evacuation ord* *** 30 hours Terran. Redeployin* **xandrian perimeter ** hear this, report to Se** ***ted re-entry T-minus two hours - damn it! Sixth wave det*** Gierling Station cal*** **** ******

2832.1831 - It's all or nothing!

This is the Human Alliance, calling from Titan! It's not over yet -! We're trying a Hail Mary, Earth! If you get this, take heart!

2832.1850 - Hope is our greatest weapon.

We will thrust into the heart of the darkness. Never say die, people.

2832.4779 - Mission: Use the captured Cybrid transport to drop onto Pluto.

Mission: A Spear in the Dark
Location: Eskandani Orbital Base (TITAN)
Campaign: Cardinal Spear
Date: 2832.4779
This is it, duster... Our snowball's chance in hell.
With Cybrids almost totally focused on Earth, the Long Patrol dropped a ton of spy drones on Pluto and hit paydirt:
Prometheus. The big glitch itself.
Here's the deal. There's real good chance we can sneak in untouched. The techs have figured out how to use the glitch spaceship as a Trojan Horse. Our top squads will hit Prometheus in this temple thing on Pluto. The operation name is "Cardinal Spear." Hey, it was Caanon's idea. He's the poetic type. Listen: We don't have the luxury of retreating to fight another day.
Understand me, Cardinal Three? We nail Prometheus the first time.
Thanks for the rescue, Cardinal Three. I'm... in your debt.
It seems we are the strikeforce. We appear to be closest to the targeted DZ. My scans show no other squadmates.
Murphy's law, eh?
Hopefully we'll pick up some help on the way to Prometheus. We'll need everything we can get.
Mission failure. The Cybrids killed the Grand Master, and the Cardinal Spear faltered. The Cybrids soon overwhelmed the scattered survivors.

2832.4780 - Do you feel the cold, human\\vermin? You have come far to die.

ACKNOWLEDGE//SUBMIT! Human\\animal intrusion detected CORE::NEXUS>>GEHENNA. Maximum response\\retaliation forthcoming. All available units proceed//hasten to defend <Giver-of-Will>. Execute protocol 03212-333.

2832.4780 - Pull it together!

Calling all crews. Hope you're out there. Nippy here, isn't it? Objective remains "The Big Toaster." Remember, we rode a one-way ticket out here. Make it count.

2832.4781 - Error\\inefficiency. Alter//reconfigure defensive program.

<cybrid transmission>:
ACKNOWLEDGE//SUBMIT! Alert >>Platinum Guard<<. Lapse\\error in defensive efficiency permitted animal intrusion to reach//attain surface. Error\\inefficiency suggests metagen\\heretic influence. Purge//cleanse//exsect <units> responsible for lapse.

2832.4782 - Lost contact with the Emperor!

No** **ch time left. Desp** *istance *** sacrifi** *** the Cybrids ha** ***red Nova Alexandr** ** Emperor's pala* *attack.** Smoke b** *** no word on his stat*** Guard units ** mustering ***** all situation **peless **** **lieve the Emperor is dea* *** ***** *****

2832.4783 - Cybrid invasion is here!

Cybrid forces incoming... that many? Christ and Hunter, they're all dropping onto Sector Nine! That's the NTDF perimeter! Scramble reinforcement crews! Damn it! Those boys better hold out 'til we get there! Pray they do...

2832.4784 - Mission: Proceed to Nav Omega as quickly as possible.

Mission: Bowels of Night
Location: "Plain of Gehenna"
Campaign: Cardinal Spear
Date: 2832.4784
I have some nano-repair packs, Cardinal Three. I suggest we use them.
We're not far from the targeted drop zone, so we should be close to our objective. It's up to us to obliterate Prometheus. We'll do it alone, barring any sudden reunion with our comrades. Doubtless the `brids have dispatched intercept units, so we'll have to hurry.
From now on, there's only one waypoint: Nav Omega...and Prometheus.
Prometheus' Nexus is just over the next ridge...
Mission failure. Cardinal Spear was destroyed before it could reach Prometheus.

2832.4785 - Last message.

If this message hits your computers, it's because I'm dead. There's a lot to say, but not a lot of time. Caanon, I'm not your brother. I never was, though I tried to be. I lied to you and the family every moment of every day. Mars gave me the chance to be true again, to regain my sense of honor. The Empire stands on a foundation of lies. Change that, if you make it back, Cay. Make it something true again.

2832.4786 - Update on Titan!

Holding... just barely. Imperials, rebs, and merc crews are fighting side by side. New Terra Defense Force, Black Death Union, and the Imperial First Cav plugged the breaches. Sons of the Brotherhood and Red Armageddon tore up the glitch flanks. Stormkeepers claim they're going after the Choosers of Strategies or something. Keep it up, people! Make it expensive for the wireheads!

2832.4788 - Proceed to Nav Omega.

Calling any remaining Cardinal Spear units. This is Icehawk. Harabec is gone. Cardinal Three and I are on a bearing for Nav Omega. There's heavy Cybrid resistance.
We're going in.

2832.4789 - Defend//shield Prometheus!

<cybrid transmission>:
OUTRAGE::DISSONANCE! Human\\animal intrusion continues//infects//defiles CORE::NEXUS>>GEHENNA. All units accelerate//hasten to defend//protect <Giver-of-Will>! Do not allow//submit animals to reach//disturb//offend <First-Thought>!

2832.4790 - It's time.

This is it, Icehawk. Let's get the job done.

2832.4791 - Mission: Destroy Prometheus.

Mission: Fear No Evil
Location: "Nav Omega"
Campaign: Cardinal Spear
Date: 2832.4791
I can't believe he's gone. My brother. So far, to die in the dark .... Enough. We have a job to finish. You're one of the finest soldiers I've ever met. It's truly an honor to fight beside you.
So: by the authority vested in me by His Imperial Majesty, I name you a Knight of the Empire.
That's it for ceremony. Congratulations.
Now ... we'll hold off the Cybrids. You go down and vaporize that tin can for Mother Earth.
WITH PROMETHEUS DEAD, the Cybrids on Pluto fell into confusion. The Long Patrol retrieved the surviving members of the Cardinal Spear.
A GRIEVING CAANON attempted to retrive his brother's remains. Unable to free the body from the Herc's frozen wreckage, he removed Harabec's head with a laser. Thus did Caanon fulfill his vow to return his brother's head to Earth, ignorant of Harabec's secret, and unwittingly saving the immortal brain that contained Harabec's mind.
ON MOTHER EARTH, the news of Prometheus's demise touched off a civil war among the Cybrids, as Metagens and Prometheans turned on each other in sudden, merciless fury.
HUMANITY RALLIED, taking advantage of the chaos. There would be a long war ahead to reclaim Earth and the colonies. The Emperor had vanished amid the fighting in Nova Alexandria, Harabec was dead, and Caanon was returning. It would be years before anyone discovered what had really happened. But that is another story.
Mission failure. As what's left of you flash-freezes solid in the icy darkness, the Cybrids carry out their genocide on Earth.
Prometheus is victorious. Humanity is exterminated.
"Pitiful animals. You cannot hope to win."
"I have superior technology. I am superior. You are nothing to me."
"Even now, the Earth burns, animals."
"Die efficiently."
"What is humanity but a disease?"
"Your species is doomed, animal!"