Script error: No such module "Template translation". Template:Esoteric
All fields are optional.
Full syntax
{{BaseAssetInfoBox |title = |image = |health = |shielded = Yes or No |shieldhp = |shieldrate = |firerate = |reloadtime = |warmuptime = |lockontime = |lockondistance = |projectilespeed = |projectilelivetime = |projectilehitbox = |falloffrange = |splashradius = }}
Syntax guide
- title
- The full name of the base asset.
- image
- An image of the base asset. To avoid stretching the Infobox overlarge, avoid using images with a width greater than 250 pixels. Where possible use 250px, as it gives the best fit. Wiki: [[Image:name.ext|250px]]
- health
- The amount of the health the base asset starts with.
- shielded
- Is the base asset shielded?
- shieldhp
- The amount of health the sheild has.
- shieldrate
- The rate at which the shield regains its health.
- firerate
- The rate at which this weapon fires.
- reloadtime
- The amount of time needed for the weapon to reload.
- warmuptime
- The amount of time required for the weapon begins firing.
- lockontime
- The amount of time required for the weapon to obtain a lock on to a target.
- lockondistance
- The maximum distance that the weapon is able to lock on to a target.
- projectilespeed
- The speed at which the weapon's projectile travels.
- projectilelivetime
- The amount of time that a projectile can travel before it is killed by the game.
- projectilehitbox
- The size of the hitbox of the projectile. Basically, how far the projectile can miss, yet still hit the target.
- falloffrange
- The amount of distance the projectile must travel before its damage begins to fall off.
- splashradius
- The radius length of the projectile's splash.