This template is used to display weapons in Deadzone: Rogue.
Parameter | Use |
title | The weapons name. |
image | The inventory image of the weapon. |
damage | The damage the weapon deals at level 1 if it has no damage variance (i.e melee weapons). |
mindamage | The minimum damage the weapon deals at level 1. For guns, this is generally the listed damage. |
maxdamage | The maximum damage the weapon deals at level 1. For guns, this is the damage dealt when as close to enemies as possible. Level bonuses, tech masteries, and other damage bonuses have to be calculated out. |
reloadduration | The time the weapon needs to reload. Guns have this stat listed. |
firerate | The number of times the weapon fires per second by default. Guns have this stat listed. |
clipsize | The number of bullets the weapon can fire before needing to reload. Guns have this stat listed. |
procchance | The proc chance for elemental affixes when this weapon is uncommon quality. |
notes | Any other notes about the weapon that seperates it from others on the page (e.g the hellstorm's spinup mechanic, or the rampage's automatic fire). |