Voice Packs were added to Tribes: Ascend in the Twinfusor update. They are unlockable "cosmetic" items which can only be purchased for Gold. Each Voice Pack overrides the standard Light, Medium, or Heavy voice that Tribes: Ascend automatically uses based on the player's class.
As of the Blitz update, the following Voice Packs are available:
New in Tribes: Ascend:
- Femme Fatale (Female, 80 Gold)
- Ms. Wilderzone (Female, 385 Gold)
- Battle Worn (Male, 385 Gold)
- Disker Dundee (Male, 385 Gold)
Tribes 2 male voice packs:
- Hero
- Iceman
- Rogue
- Hardcase
- Psycho
Tribes 2 female voice packs:
- Heroine
- Professional
- Cadet
- Veteran
- Amazon
Tribes 2 BioDerm voice packs:
- Warrior
- Monster
- Predator