The Voice Game System (VGS) is the communication tool in Tribes: Ascend. VGS is to coordinate attack, defenses, as well as jeer at the opponent. Using a series of simple keystrokes a wide variety of information may be passed between players. The standard voices used by default vary depending on the type of class the player is using (higher voices for lighter classes, deeper ones for heavy classes) and custom Voice Packs are also available. Below are the keystrokes for all the commands available.

VGS Commands
Shortcut | Command | Description | Category | Subcategory |
VGCA | Awesome | Global | Compliment | |
VGCG | Good game | Global | Compliment | |
VGCN | Nice move | Global | Compliment | |
VGCS | Great shot | Global | Compliment | |
VGCY | You Rock | Global | Compliment | |
VGRA | Any Time | Global | Respond | |
VGRD | Don't know | I don't know. | Global | Respond |
VGRT | Thanks | Global | Respond | |
VGRW | Wait | Global | Respond | |
VGTA | Awww... | Awww, that's too bad! | Global | Taunt |
VGTB | Best you can do? | Is that the best you can do? | Global | Taunt |
VGTG | I am the greatest! | Global | Taunt | |
VGTT | THAT was graceful! | Global | Taunt | |
VGTW | When will you learn? | Global | Taunt | |
VGY | Yes | Global | ||
VGN | No | Global | ||
VGH | Hi | Global | ||
VGB | Bye | Global | ||
VGO | Ooops | Global | ||
VGQ | Quiet | Global | ||
VGS | Shazbot | SHAZBOT | Global | |
VGW | Woohoo | Global | ||
VAA | Attack | Attack | ||
VAB | Base | Attack the enemy base! | Attack | |
VAC | Chase | Chase the enemy flag carrier! | Attack | |
VAD | Disrupt | Disrupt the enemy defense! | Attack | |
VAF | Flag | Get the enemy flag! Attack the enemy flag. This generally means the Heavy Offence should target the enemy flag stand as a capper is coming in for a run and needs a clear path. | Attack | |
VAG | Generator | Destroy the enemy generator! | Attack | |
VAR | Reinforce | Reinforce the offense. | Attack | |
VAS | Sensors | Destroy the enemy sensors! | Attack | |
VAT | Turrets | Destroy enemy turrets! | Attack | |
VAV | Vehicle | Destroy the enemy vehicle! | Attack | |
VAW | Wait | Wait for my signal before attack. Good time to get in position. | Attack | |
VDB | Base | Defend our base! | Defend | |
VDC | Flag carrier | Defend the flag carrier! | Defend | |
VDE | Entrances | Defend the entrances! | Defend | |
VDF | Flag | Defend our flag! | Defend | |
VDG | Generator | Defend our generator! A way to let the team know somebody is in the generator room. | Defend | |
VDM | Me | Cover me! Generally used when you have the flag. | Defend | |
VDR | Reinforce | Reinforce our defense! | Defend | |
VDS | Sensors | Defend our sensors! | Defend | |
VDT | Turrets | Defend our turrets! | Defend | |
VDV | Vehicle | Defend our vehicle! | Defend | |
VRG | Generator | Repair our generator! | Repair | |
VRS | Sensors | Repair our sensors! | Repair | |
VRT | Turrets | Repair our turrets! | Repair | |
VRV | Vehicle | Repair the vehicle! | Repair | |
VBC | Clear | Our base is clear. | Base | |
VBE | Enemy in base | The enemy is in our base. | Base | |
VBR | Retake | Retake our base! | Base | |
VBS | Secure | Secure our base! | Base | |
VCA | Acknowledged | Command | ||
VCC | Completed | Command | ||
VCD | Declined | Command | ||
VCW | Assignment? | What's my assignment? | Command | |
VED | Disarray | The enemy is in disarray. | Enemy | |
VEG | Generator destroyed | The enemy generator is destroyed. | Enemy | |
VES | Sensors destroyed | The enemy sensors are destroyed. | Enemy | |
VET | Turrets destroyed | The enemy turrets are destroyed. | Enemy | |
VEV | Vehicle destroyed | The enemy vehicle is destroyed. | Enemy | |
VFD | Defend | Defend our flag! | Flag | |
VFF | I have the flag | I have the flag! Can indicate you are about to take the flag at high speeds so others don't take it. | Flag | |
VFG | Give me | Give me the flag! | Flag | |
VFR | Retrieve | Retrieve our flag! | Flag | |
VFS | Secure | Our flag is secure! | Flag | |
VFT | Take | Take the flag from me! | Flag | |
VNC | Covering fire | Need covering fire. | Need | |
VND | Driver | I need a driver. | Need | |
VNE | Escort | I need an escort. | Need | |
VNH | Hold vehicle | Hold that vehicle! I'm coming! | Need | |
VNR | I need a ride | Need | ||
VNS | Support | I need support! | Need | |
VNV | Vehicle ready | Vehicle ready. Need a ride? | Need | |
VNW | Where to? | Need | ||
VSAA | Attack | I will attack. | Self | Attack |
VSAB | Base | I will attack the enemy base. | Self | Attack |
VSAF | Flag | I'll go for the enemy flag. | Self | Attack |
VSAG | Generator | I'll attack the enemy generator. | Self | Attack |
VSAS | Sensors | I'll attack the enemy sensors. | Self | Attack |
VSAT | Turrets | I'll attack the enemy turrets. | Self | Attack |
VSAV | Vehicle | I'll attack the enemy vehicle. | Self | Attack |
VSDB | Base | I will defend our base. | Self | Defend |
VSDD | Defend | I will defend. | Self | Defend |
VSDF | Flag | I will defend our flag. | Self | Defend |
VSDG | Generator | I'll defend our generator. | Self | Defend |
VSDS | Sensors | I'll defend our sensors. | Self | Defend |
VSDT | Turrets | I'll defend our turrets. | Self | Defend |
VSDV | Vehicle | I'll defend our vehicle. | Self | Defend |
VSRB | Base | I'll repair our base. | Self | Repair |
VSRG | Generator | I'll repair our generator. | Self | Repair |
VSRS | Sensors | I'll repair our sensors. | Self | Repair |
VSRT | Turrets | I'll repair our turrets. | Self | Repair |
VSRV | Vehicle | I'll repair the vehicle. | Self | Repair |
VSTC | Cover | I'll cover you. | Self | Task |
VSTD | Set up defenses | I'll set up defenses. | Self | Task |
VSTF | Deploy forcefields | I'll deploy forcefields. | Self | Task |
VSTO | On it | I'm on it. | Self | Task |
VSTS | Deploy sensors | I'm deploying sensors. | Self | Task |
VSTT | Deploy turrets | I'm deploying turrets. | Self | Task |
VSTV | Vehicle | I'll get a vehicle ready. | Self | Task |
VTA | Acquired | Target acquired. | Target | |
VTB | Base | Target the enemy base! I'm in position. | Target | |
VTD | Destroyed | Target destroyed. | Target | |
VTF | Flag | Target the enemy flag! I'm in position. | Target | |
VTM | Fire on my target | Target | ||
VTN | Need | I need a target painted! | Target | |
VTS | Sensors | Target the sensors! I'm in position. | Target | |
VTT | Turret | Target the turret! I'm in position. | Target | |
VTV | Vehicle | Target the vehicle! I'm in position. | Target | |
VTW | Wait | Wait! I'll be in range soon. | Target | |
VWE | Enemies | Incoming hostiles! | Warning | |
VWV | Vehicle | Incoming enemy vehicle! | Warning | |
VVY | Yes | Very Quick | ||
VVN | No | Very Quick | ||
VVA | Anytime | Very Quick | ||
VVB | Base secure? | Is our base secure? | Very Quick | |
VVC | Cease fire | Very Quick | ||
VVD | Don't know | I don't know. | Very Quick | |
VVH | Help! | Very Quick | ||
VVM | Move | Very Quick | ||
VVS | Sorry | Very Quick | ||
VVT | Thanks | Very Quick | ||
VVW | Wait | Very Quick |
Game-Specific Commands
The following VGS commands are usable only in certain game-modes:
Capture the Flag
- [VFQ]: “I’ll retrieve our flag!”
- [VUG] (CTF only): “Upgrade our generator!”
- [VUS] (CTF only): “Upgrade our sensors!”
- [VUT] (CTF only): “Upgrade our base turrets!”
- [VSUG] (CTF only): “I’ll upgrade our generator.”
- [VSUS] (CTF only): “I’ll upgrade our sensors.”
- [VSUT] (CTF only): “I’ll upgrade our base turrets.”
Capture and Hold
- [VA1] (C&H only): “Attack point A!”
- [VA2] (C&H only): “Attack point B!”
- [VA3] (C&H only): “Attack point C!”
- [VA4] (C&H only): “Attack point D!”
- [VA5] (C&H only): “Attack point E!”
- [VD1] (C&H only): “Defend point A!”
- [VD2] (C&H only): “Defend point B!”
- [VD3] (C&H only): “Defend point C!”
- [VD4] (C&H only): “Defend point D!”
- [VD5] (C&H only): “Defend point E!”
- [VSA1] (C&H only): “I’ll attack point A.”
- [VSA2] (C&H only): “I’ll attack point B.”
- [VSA3] (C&H only): “I’ll attack point C.”
- [VSA4] (C&H only): “I’ll attack point D.”
- [VSA5] (C&H only): “I’ll attack point E.”
- [VSD1] (C&H only): “I’ll defend point A.”
- [VSD2] (C&H only): “I’ll defend point B.”
- [VSD3] (C&H only): “I’ll defend point C.”
- [VSD4] (C&H only): “I’ll defend point D.”
- [VSD5] (C&H only): “I’ll defend point E.”