< Tribes 3: Rivals | Patches
2023-11-29 - 14 months ago
Tribes 3: Rivals/Patches/PT2
The time is now! Servers are online and the first few hundred keys are being sent out! As this test is focused on stressing the server load and feedback, we will be sending keys out in waves! So keep an eye on your email to see if you got that invite 👀
When downloading the game, make sure your client Version on the bottom right of the screen is 👍
Also, the Steam page is now LIVE! Make sure to go check it out and wishlist the game
As this is an Alpha playtest, please be aware that there will be some issues! We would greatly appreciate if you could let us know what bugs you encounter in bug-reports 🐛
Here are some known issues
- Perks are currently not functional
- Some minor visual bugs
See you out there!!!