< Tribes 3: Rivals | Patches
2024-01-11 - 13 months ago
TRIBES 3: Rivals Playtest #5 - Patch Notes[1]
TRIBES 3: Rivals | 01.11.2024 | Prophecy Games
- Armor classes have been resized to have unique hitboxes relative to their scale.
- Weapons
- Chain Guns
- Enabled Binocular zoom.
- Repair Tool
- Removed from the third weapon slot and now on a universal hold keybind (Default ‘F’).
- Repair tools can now heal friendly players.
- Phase Rifle
- Increased hip fire spread.
- Moved to the light loadout.
- BXT1 Rifle
- The BXT1 Rifle has been temporarily removed pending a rework.
- Shocklance
- Temporarily removed from loadouts
- Added Thumper to medium loadout.
- Gladiator added to heavy loadout.
- Nova Colt
- Moved to the medium loadout.
- Fire rate slowed from .38 to .6
- Damage increased from 150 to 210.
- Spinfusors/Bolt Launchers/Thumper Projectile Speed reduced by 10%.
- All other Projectile Speeds reduced by 20%.
- Projectile Collision Spheres Reduced by 10%.
- Zoom levels added to most weapons.
- Weapons that reload after each shot no longer remove ADS/Zoom.
- Removed third weapon slot.
- Disabled Aim Assist on gamepad.
- Chain Guns
- Packs and Grenades
- Stealth
- Duration increased.
- Reduced cooldown.
- Blink
- Reduced cooldown.
- Thrust Pack
- Reduced cooldown.
- Impact Nitron
- Added to the light loadout.
- Explosion radius reduced by 25%.
- Stealth
- Movement
- FOV now adapted to speed (adjustable in the settings menu)
- Camera movement on surfaces at speed (adjustable in the settings menu)
- Improved Skiing Ground Control for all classes
- Added visual effects particles to the camera in order to reinforce speed
- Custom Matches
- Mutators added
- Mutators allow the lobby leader to adjust various class attributes.
- These are still in development and may not work properly.
- Players can now mute other players in custom lobbies.
- The Lobby Leader can now lock players from switching teams.
- Mutators added
- Time Trials Mode
- New Time Trial Wavemist map added.
- Training
- New Training and shooting range map added. This is not a full tutorial, but meant for practice.
- General
- Reconnect
- If a player crashes out of a game, upon relaunching, they will have the option to rejoin the match they were previously in if it is still running.
- VGS added:
- V: Enter VGS
- G: Right Menu (Comments)
- C: Down Menu (Defense)
- S: Left Menu (Taunts)
- F: Up Menu (Offense)
- Dev Note: this is a first pass at VGS. Voicelines and overall design may change in future passes.
- Flag captures required to win are reduced to 3 from 5.
- Adjusted the collision height of the flag and score volume.
- Adjusted flag drop physics to make the path more predictable.
- Adjusted flag reset timer to 30 seconds.
- Adjusted base turret logic so they have better sight.
- The Scoreboard will now always show the player’s team first.
- Reconnect
- Adjusted some base stands to have more forward and backward angles of attack.
- Conduits added to Katabatic and Drydock maps
- Entering a Conduit will move the player up to the next level of an area.
- Drydock
- Added rock formations.
- Reworked central mountain.
- Fixed an issue where the Flag would sometimes not be able to be returned if it got stuck in terrain.
- Fixed an issue where the player may be locked out of their abilities after scoring the flag.
- Fixed an issue where players would only ever respawn on one side of the map.
- Fixed an issue where energy would not be full on respawn.
- Fixed an issue where a team could score twice if the flag was picked up on a flag stand.
- Fixed an issue where ski impulse would not apply in the direction a player was looking.
- Fixed an issue where players were not getting the ski impulse if they attempted to ski within 1s of spawning.
- Fixed an issue where players would lose speed from their jetpack.
- Fixed an issue where the pickup camera effect was not playing.
- Fixed an issue where the repair tool had no 3p VFX.
- Fixed an issue where weapons with a prefire time (i.e. shocklance) would play firing SFX/VFX twice in 3p.
- Fixed an issue where muting and unmuting party members in the Lobby was not working.
Known Issues
- We are aware of crashes that have affected players. We have pushed fixes in order to address some of these and are currently working on cleaning up others.
- Radar may not always show enemy players properly.
- Custom mutators may not apply properly.
- Custom Matches that have ended may get recycled into the match again before being kicked to lobby.
- Reconnecting may have the waiting for players UI and loading UI stuck on.