< Tribes 3: Rivals | Patches
2024-01-18 - 12 months ago
TRIBES 3: Rivals Playtest #6 - Patch Notes[1]
TRIBES 3: Rivals | 01.18.2024 | Prophecy Games
Active Testing Modes:
- 12v12 Bomb Rush
- Time Trials
- Training
- Custom Matches - CTF and Bomb Rush
- Armor
- Heavy Armor
- Max Health reduced from 2500 to 2250
- Max Energy reduced from 100 to 80
- Light Armor
- Max Energy raised from 100 to 120
- Heavy Armor
- Weapons
- Light Spinfusor
- Reload time reduced from 1.25 to 1.17
- Direct hit multiplier reduced from 1.3 to 1.2
- Spinfusor
- Direct hit multiplier reduced from 1.3 to 1.2
- Heavy Spinfusor
- Direct hit multiplier reduced from 1.3 to 1.2
- Bolt Launcher
- Reload time reduced from 1.5 to 1.27
- Heavy Bolt Launcher
- Damage reduced from 760 to 720
- Direct hit multiplier reduced from 1.5 to 1.3
- Thumper
- Direct hit multiplier reduced from 1.5 to 1.4
- Stormslicer
- Damage reduced from 70 to 60
- Fire rate slowed from .14 to .155
- Chaingun
- Fire rate slowed from .11 to .12
- Grenade Launcher
- Non-player damage multiplier reduced from 3.0 to 2.0
- Fusion Mortar
- Non-player damage multiplier reduced from 3.0 to 2.0
- Gladiator
- Non-player damage multiplier reduced from 3.0 to 2.0
- Projectile speed reduced
- Light Spinfusor
- Packs and Grenades
- Spinfusor Disc
- Renamed to Mag-Lev Disc
- Spinfusor Disc
- Perks
- Survivalist
- Changed to make health nuggets heal 2,000 health over time.
- Flag Capper
- Renamed to “Capper”
- Flag Chaser
- Renamed to “Chaser”
- Banner Guard
- Renamed to “Base Guard”
- Survivalist
- Movement
- Refined jetpack physics to allow for more control, especially for “feathering” while moving at high speeds.
- The Ski Toggle control now has three settings:
- Hold to Ski: Press the “Ski” binding to ski, release the button to end skiing.
- Standard Toggle: Press the “Ski” binding to ski. Press again to end skiing.
- Dual Bind Toggle: Press the “Ski” binding to ski. Press the “Cancel Ski” binding to end skiing. The default binding for “Cancel Ski” is “C.”
- Fixed an issue where other players could sometimes appear jittery while moving.
- Bomb Rush
- Players must pick-up bombs located around the map and run through the enemy team’s Exhaust Port to score.
- Custom Matches
- Join codes are now hidden.
- Island map removed from map list.
- Added Dangerous Crossing map.
- Dev Note: Like all our maps this is still WIP, but should imitate more traditional Tribes maps. This map is only available in Custom Matches in CTF mode this week.
- Bomb Rush game mode and maps added to Custom Lobbies.
- Players now return to the original Custom Lobby after a match ends.
- Added new regions for Custom Lobbies:
- Oceania
- Asia
- South America
- General
- Increased captures needed to win in CTF to 5.
- Health Nuggets
- Now heal 1,000 health over time instead of 50% of your max health
- Generator health reduced by 15%.
- Temporary shields are now shown on player health bars and name plates.
- New loading screens added.
- Players can now auto pass bombs and flags if they are within 15 meters of their teammates.
- Increased Conduit travel speed.
- Fixed an issue where pickups such as the Flag and Health Nuggets would fall through terrain.
- Fixed an issue where players would sometimes cycle back into a custom match instead of returning to the lobby.
- Fixed an issue where players who join Team B voice chat in custom lobbies would not work.
- Fixed an issue where projectile VFX would spawn at the wrong position.
- Fixed an issue with shadow artifacting.
- Fixed an issue with buffering on full auto weapons.
- Fixed an issue where the Repair Tool would not show HP in Training.
- Fixed an issue where Custom Match Mutators were not applying correctly.
- Fixed an issue where players using the Thumper would be slowed.
- Fixed an issue where the Smoke Grenade SFX would continue to play after it exploded.