< Tribes 3: Rivals | Patches
Tribes 3: Rivals/Patches/PT1
2023-12-07 - 14 months ago
TRIBES 3: Rivals Playtest #2 - Patch Notes[1]
TRIBES 3: Rivals | 12.07.2023 | Prophecy Games
- Weapons
- Fusion Mortar
- Adjusted projectile speed
- Adjusted projectile arc
- Shotgun
- Updated spread pattern
- Spinfusors
- Adjusted all Spinfusors passive reload times
- Bolt Launcher
- Adjusted passive reload time
- Nova Colt
- Kickback adjusted
- Repair Tool added to Medium and Heavy loadouts
- The Repair Tool can be used to heal Base Turrets, Generators and Radars
- Honorfusor
- Damage reduced by 100
- Heavy Honorfusor
- Damage reduced by 150
- Fusion Mortar
- Packs and Grenades
- Overall ability balance pass
- Team Portal
- Friendly players use the Team Portal by stepping through the portal rather than using an interact button
- Turret Pack
- Deployable Turret now depletes energy on hit
- Explosive Nitron
- Reduced damage
- Added damage and impulse falloff
- Impact Nitron
- Added damage and impulse falloff
- Spinfusor Disc added to Heavy loadout
- Perks
- Perks enabled
- Egocentric Perk added
- Reduces self damage by 20%
- Rage Perk added
- Rage gives players +50 energy, reduces their mass by 25%, and makes them immune to self-damage for 15 seconds after an enemy grabs their flag while they are within 240 meters of the flag.
- Rage is disabled once the player takes damage, or reaches the 15 second limit. Rage will not activate if they are holding the flag.
- Movement
- Improved the jetpack’s thrust acceleration to allow for better steering and micro adjustments.
- Added a configurable setting, Jetpack Lateral Angle, to control the jetpack thrust angle when attempting to jetpack laterally (i.e. holding W/S/A/D). Applying a low value adjusts jet thrust less vertically and more laterally, whereas a higher angle accelerates more upward, at the cost of lateral thrust.
- Added more directional control while skiing.
- Addressed an issue where players could occasionally feel “glued” to a surface while skiing.
- General
- Social tab added to the main lobby.
- Players can now party up with two other players.
- FOV range increased to 70-120.
- Loadout tab removed from main lobby.
- Generators added
- Generators added to bases. Destroying an enemy base Generator will disable turrets and reduce Radar capacity.
- Inventory Stations added
- Inventory Stations can be found in spawn rooms. They will update player loadouts and refresh health, energy and ammo.
- Radars
- Radars now show all player locations on the minimap.
- If a team’s Radar is destroyed, then only friendly players and enemies within 150 meters of them will be shown on minimap.
- Base Turrets
- Base Turrets now have shields they will regen while the Generator is active.
- Recall now refreshes loadout, even if the player stays in the same class.
- Added a “Change Class” keybind. This is defaulted to ‘K.’
- Jetpacks will continue to burn any fuel regenerated if the player holds down their jetpack keybind (default SPACE).
- Players can impulse a dropped flag with weapons that have knockback.
- The scoreboard tracks returning flags..
- Current flag holder is now shown on the scoreboard.
- Score added to the match result screen.
- Base Turret health increased.
- Social tab added to the main lobby.
- New map, Drydock, with a larger size.
- New spawn rooms added to each map.
- Players will be able to update their loadout without recalling or dying whenever they make changes in the spawn rooms.
- Katabatic
- Lighting adjustments
- Fixed an issue where some enemy jetpacks and the enemy flag would have conflicting team coloring effects.
- Fixed an issue where turrets could pick up the flag.
- Fixed an issue where projectiles could not do full damage on direct hits.
- Fixed an issue where the “Open Scoring” top-bar message could get stuck on.
- Fixed an issue where the flag could fall through the world. If the flag happens to move to an invalid playspace, a failsafe feature will reset the flag back at base.
- Fixed an issue where Base Turrets could try to shoot players while they were out of range.
Known Issues
- Party invites and friend requests have a delay when accepting and updating queues.
- Players may have a red Fresnels sometimes get stuck on